Hi, My name is Amel. I love automation frameworks.
How does KURVA-KROME work?
KURVA-KROME works with custom CDP connections and the functionality of playwright and selenium. KK currently passes Akamai, Kasada, Cloudflare, Datadome, and PerimeterX in a headful environment.
Why did I make this? I noticed that driverless/nodriver is strictly written in Python, and I wanted to offer a way for NodeJS developers to have access to a undetected browser framework. Kurva-Krome uses playwright and selenium functionality and will be getting updates as the time goes on.
Usage is shown in scripts folder
const kurva = new Kurvaaa();
const browser = await kurva.browser(); -- starts the browser initialization
await browser.get("https://www.nike.com/#"); -- gets the URL the user wants to visit
browser.stop() -- basically a sleep timer in ms
const inputElement = await browser.findElement(By.XPATH, xpath); -- selenium findelement functionality
click() -- clicks an xpath
await inputElement.sendKeys(inputText); -- sends input text to an input xpath element
await browser.coordClick(100, 100); -- sends clicks to x,y coords
const username = await browser.grabtxt(usernameClass, 'class'); -- grabs inner text of class name
await browser.insert_js(
`document.querySelector('a[href="/bosniankicks/Kurva-Krome"]').innerText = 'amels example';` -- lets user execute raw javascript inside the browser
await browser.picture('creep.png'); -- takes a screenshot of the browser window (doesnt take fullscreenshots, and must put filename of screenshot! , saves locally to where the script is ran from)
await browser.cookies('mycookies.json'); -- saves cookies to a json file by the users request
await browser.holdclick(x,y, duration_in_ms) -- sends a hold click to a x, y coordinate and holds for the duration in ms for the click
await kurva.end(); -- closes the browser and session
PLEASE Leave a star! I greatly appreciate the recognition
if you want to donate to the cause -- venmo(bosniankicks) - cashapp($bosniankicks) -- helps me buy my redbulls needed for these projects xD
Dm me on discord @pickumaternu or join https://discord.gg/pCDsrSXQa9 for help :D
I am not responsible how you use this code in any possible way. Please refrain from using it for any malicous intent! It ruins the experience for people who want a JS framework to work!
Alternatively, you may use Capsolver. For more information and to get started, visit the official Capsolver website.