Suggestions and discussions:
- on our mailing list
- in our channel on the Clojurians Slack
- "Clojure at Work": what are people using Clojure professionally
- Machine Learning with Clojure: perhaps look at
- Typing: A broader discussion of Types and Clojure, perhaps things like tools and practices for testing, validation, pre/post conditions, dev practices, etc.
- App State / Lifecycle Management w/
- ClojureScript: getting started
- core.async
- React Landscape 2016: reagent, quiescent, rum, interop, om/next
- Logic Programming: core.logic, datalog, etc.
- Security
- Mobile: react native
- Types and Contracts: core.typed, plumatic/schema, :pre/:post, bmarick/structural-typing
- Testing: test.check, simulant, expectations, midje
- Distributed Computation & Stream Processing: Storm, Spark w/flambo, Hadoop w/Cascalog
- DB-related: Datomic dojo, Schema Evolution, Migrations, Migrations between SQL and NoSQL
- Barriers to Adoption
- open mic
- plumatic/graph
- Production Concerns
- Concurrency
- Deployment
- Caching: memoize, Redis
- ClojureScript: introduction
- Clojure internals: patch issues in public projects
- Pixie: lightweight Clojure-like lisp interpreter
- Collaborative, Real World Problem-Solving: newsletter subscription
- Livecoding in Gorilla Repl: (literate coding / data visualization)
- Livecoding with Overtone: generate music via functional composition
- Hello World Web App: with or without frameworks like Luminus, Pedestal, or Caribu
- maybe break into groups for different frameworks.
- core library demos: core.logic, core.async, core.matrix
- DSLs: Make a mini language with Instaparse
- Web Scraping