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Signed-off-by: Luca Zeuch <>
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l-zeuch committed Jan 17, 2025
1 parent b5e533a commit 2ee49cb
Showing 1 changed file with 37 additions and 42 deletions.
79 changes: 37 additions & 42 deletions content/docs/reference/templates/
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Expand Up @@ -4,23 +4,17 @@ weight = 911
description = "Available data in custom commands and a quick syntax refresher."

Library of base data accessible within custom scripting.
This page lists the available data within your custom commands, such as the user who triggered the command, or the
channel it is running in. For available functions, please see our [list of functions]. In case you need a refresher on
the syntax, please revisit our [learning resources].

> "Go is all about type... Type is life." // William Kennedy
## Preface

All available data that can be used in YAGPDB's templating "engine" which is slightly modified version of Go's
stdlib text/template package; more in depth and info about actions, pipelines and global functions like `printf, index,
len,`etc > []( . This section is meant to be
a concise and to the point reference document for all available templates/functions. **Functions** are covered
in [Function documentation](/docs/reference/templates/functions). For detailed explanations and a syntax guide, please
refer to the [learning resource](/learn/welcome/introduction).
[list of functions]: /docs/reference/templates/functions
[learning resources]: /learn/welcome/introduction

{{< callout context="note" title="Note: Disable \"Smart\" Quotes" icon="outline/info-circle" >}}

Templating system uses standard ASCII quotation marks:
`"` for straight double quotes, `'` for apostrophes or single quotes and`` ` `` for backticks/back quotes; so make
`"` for straight double quotes, `'` for apostrophes or single quotes and `` ` `` for backticks/back quotes; so make
sure no "smart-quotes" are being used.

The difference between back quotes and double quotes in string literals is covered in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,11 +59,11 @@ declared, or to the end of custom command if there are no control structures - c
A powerful component of templates is the ability to stack actions - like function calls, together - chaining one after
another. This is done by using pipes `|`. Borrowed from Unix pipes, the concept is simple: each pipeline’s output
becomes the input of the following pipe. One limitation of the pipes is that they can only work with a single value and
that value becomes the last parameter of the next pipeline. \
that value becomes the last parameter of the next pipeline.

**Example**: `{{randInt 41| add 2}}` would pipeline`randInt` function's return to addition `add` as second parameter
and it would be added to 2; this more simplified would be like `{{40| add 2}}` with return 42. If written normally, it
would be `{{ add 2 (randInt 41) }}`. Same pipeline but using a variable is also useful one -`{{$x:=40| add 2}}` would
would be `{{ add 2 (randInt 41) }}`. Same pipeline but using a variable is also useful one - `{{$x:=40| add 2}}` would
not return anything as printout, 40 still goes through pipeline to addition and 42 is stored to variable `$x` whereas
`{{($x:=40)| add 2}}` would return 42 and store 40 to `$x`.

Expand All @@ -84,7 +78,7 @@ overused**. In most cases, pipes are unnecessary and cause a dip in readability

Context data refers to information accessible via the dot, `{{ . }}`. The accessible data ranges from useful constants
to information regarding the environment in which the custom command was executed, such as the user that ran it, the
channel it was ran in, and so on.
channel it was run in, and so on.

Fields documented as accessible on specific structures, like the context user `.User`, are usable on all values that
share the same type. That is, given a user `$user`, `$user.ID` is a valid construction that yields the ID of the user.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,7 +156,7 @@ Similarly, provided a channel `$channel`, `$channel.Name` gives the name of the
| .Guild.OwnerID | Outputs the ID of the owner. |
| .Guild.PreferredLocale | The preferred locale of a guild with the "PUBLIC" feature; used in server discovery and notices from Discord; defaults to "en-US" |
| .Guild.Roles | Outputs all roles and indexing them gives more information about the role. For example `{{len .Guild.Roles}}` gives you how many roles are there in that guild. Role struct has [following fields]( |
| .Guild.Stickers | A slice of all [sticker objects] in the guild. |
| .Guild.Stickers | A slice of all [sticker objects] in the guild. |
| .Guild.Splash | Outputs the [splash hash]( ID of the guild's splash. |
| .Guild.SystemChannelID | The ID of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted. |
| .Guild.Threads | Returns all active threads in the guild as a slice of type _\[]dstate.ChannelState_. |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,7 +247,7 @@ Interaction functions are covered [here](/docs/reference/templates/functions#int
| .Message.ChannelID | Channel ID this message is in. |
| .Message.Components | Slice of [discordgo.ActionsRow](, which each contain components. Example on indexing the first button or menu under a message: `( index ( index .Message.Components 0 ).Components 0 )` |
| .Message.Content | Text content of this message. |
| .Message.ContentWithMentionsReplaced | Replaces all <@ID> mentions with the username of the mention. |
| .Message.ContentWithMentionsReplaced | Replaces all `<@ID>` mentions with the username of the mention. |
| .Message.EditedTimestamp | The time at which the last edit of the message occurred, if it has been edited. As with .Message.Timestamp, it is of type _discordgo.Timestamp._ |
| .Message.Embeds | Embeds of this message (_slice_ of embed objects). |
| .Message.Flags | Message flags, represented as a bit set. |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,7 +297,7 @@ This is available and part of the dot when reaction trigger type is used.
| .ReactionAdded | Returns a boolean type _bool_ true/false indicating whether reaction was added or removed. |
| .ReactionMessage | Returns the message object reaction was added to. Not all regular .Message fields are filled though e.g. .Member. `{{range .ReactionMessage.Reactions}}`<br>`{{.Count}} - {{.Emoji.Name}}` <br>`{{end}}`Returns emoji count and their name.Has an alias `.Message` and it works the same way. |

[Reaction object in Discord documentation](\
[Reaction object in Discord documentation](
[Emoji object in Discord documentation.](

### User
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -356,7 +350,7 @@ to `eq`.

Comparison operators always require the same type: i.e comparing `1.23` and `1` would throw **`incompatible types for
comparison`** error as they are not the same type (one is float, the other int). To fix this, you should convert both to
the same type -> for example, `toFloat 1`.
the same type, for example, `toFloat 1`.

{{< /callout >}}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,17 +393,18 @@ if one wishes to skip all remaining iterations, the `{{break}}` action may be us

{{< /callout >}}

Affected dot inside `range` is important because methods mentioned above in this documentation:`.Server.ID`,
`.Message.Content` etc are all already using the dot on the pipeline and if they are not carried over to the `range`
control structure directly, these fields do not exists and template will error out. Getting those values inside `range`
and also `with` action would need `$.User.ID` for example.\
Affected dot inside `range` is important because methods mentioned above in this documentation like `.Server.ID`,
are all already using the dot on the pipeline and if they are not carried over to the `range` control structure
directly, these fields do not necessarily exists and template will error out. Getting those values inside `range`
and also `with` action would need to use the global syntax (e.g. `$.Server.ID`).

`range` on slices/arrays provides both the index and element for each entry; `range` on map iterates over key/element
pairs. If a `range` action initializes a variable, that variable is set to the successive elements of the iteration.
`range` can also declare two variables, separated by a comma and set by index and element or key and element pair. In
case of only one variable, it is assigned the element.\
Like `if`, `range`is concluded with`{{end}}`action and declared variable scope inside `range` extends to that point.\
case of only one variable, it is assigned the element.

Like `if`, `range` is concluded with the `{{end}}` action and declared variable scope inside `range` extends to that

{{/* range over an integer */}}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -441,7 +436,7 @@ Hello!

This program iterates ten *thousand* times, adding a newline and a tab character on every iteration to the output---we
can fix this error by telling the bot to throw away (or "strip") whitespace characters by using the trim indicator `-`:
can fix this error by telling the bot to throw away (or "strip") whitespace characters by using the trim indicator `-`.

{{ range 10000 }}
Expand All @@ -467,10 +462,10 @@ Similar to an `if` action with an associated `else` branch, the `try`-`catch` co
`try` branch and the `catch` branch. First, the code in the `try` branch is ran, and if an error is raised by a function
during execution, the `catch` branch is executed instead with the context (`.`) set to the offending error.

To check for a specific error, one can compare the result of the `Error` method with a predetermined message. (For
To check for a specific error, one can compare the result of the `Error` method with a predetermined message. For
context, all errors have a method `Error` which is specified to return a message describing the reason that the error
was thrown.) For example, the following example has different behavior depending on whether "Reaction blocked" is in the
message of the error caught.
was thrown. The following example has different behavior depending on whether "Reaction blocked" is in the message of
the error caught.

{{ try }}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -520,8 +515,8 @@ appropriate effect, like in a `range` action.

`with` lets you assign and carry pipeline value with its type as a dot (`.`) inside that control structure, it's like a
shorthand. If the value of the pipeline is empty, dot is unaffected and when an `else` or `else if` action is used,
execution moves on to those branches instead, similar to the `if` action. \
execution moves on to those branches instead, similar to the `if` action.

Affected dot inside `with` is important because methods mentioned above in this documentation:`.Server.ID`,
`.Message.Content` etc are all already using the dot on the pipeline and if they are not carried over to the `with`
control structure directly, these fields do not exists and template will error out. Getting those values inside `with`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -570,7 +565,7 @@ To define an associated template, use the `define` action. It has the following

{{< callout context="danger" title="Danger: Associated Templates at Top Level" icon="outline/alert-octagon" >}}

**Warning:** Template definitions must be at the top level of the custom command program; in other words, they cannot be
Template definitions must be at the top level of the custom command program; in other words, they cannot be
nested in other actions (for example, an if action.) That is, the following custom command is invalid:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -630,7 +625,7 @@ will result in execution of the custom command being stopped at the point the `r

### Execution

To execute a custom command, one of three methods may be used: `template`, `block`, or `execTemplate`.
To execute an associated template, one of three methods may be used: `template`, `block`, or `execTemplate`.

#### Template action

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -661,7 +656,7 @@ Below is an example of the `template` action in action:
{{ template "sayHi" "YAG" }} {{/* hi there, YAG */}}

Trim markers: `{{- ... -}}`were used in above example because whitespace is considered as part of output for associated
Trim markers: `{{- ... -}}` were used in above example because whitespace is considered as part of output for associated
template definitions (and actions in general).

#### Block action
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -830,13 +825,13 @@ You can have max 50 \* user_count (or 500 \* user_count for premium) values in t
new write functions will fail, this value is also cached, so it won't be detected immediately when you go above nor
immediately when you're under again.

Patterns are basic PostgreSQL patterns, not RegEx: An underscore `(_)` matches any single character; a percent sign
`(%)` matches any sequence of zero or more characters.
Patterns are basic PostgreSQL patterns, not RegEx: An underscore `_` matches any single character; a percent sign
`%` matches any sequence of zero or more characters.

Keys can be max 256 bytes long and has to be strings or numbers. Values can be anything, but if their serialized
representation exceeds 100kB a `short write` error gets raised.
Keys can be at most 256 bytes long and has to be strings or numbers. Values can be anything, but if their serialized
representation exceeds 100 kB a `short write` error is raised.

You can just pass a `userID`of 0 to make it global (or any other number, but 0 is safe).
You can just pass a `userID` of 0 to make it global (or any other number, but 0 is safe).

There can be 10 database interactions per CC, out of which dbTop/BottomEntries, dbCount, dbGetPattern, and dbDelMultiple
may only be run twice. (50,10 for premium users).
Expand Down

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