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We came up with the user stories below:
A. As a non-administrative user,
1. I want the system to be a close system, including only the people somehow related to CmpE Department in Bogazici University in current time or previously.
2. I want to sign-up to the system and be verified, so that I would be sure that I successfully signed-up to the system.
3. I want a log-in process, so that I securely enter the system with my user name and password.
4. I want to create an interest group about a specific topic so that I would connect people who are interested in that topic as well.
5. I want to send posts like pictures, articles, links within the interest group, so that I can share my opinions about that interest with all the group members.
6. I want to comment to the contents in the interest group, so that I could share my opinion or ask if I wondered something about that content.
7. I want be enrolled according to the system with my role in computer engineering department of Bogazici University such as undergraduate student, instructor teaching-assistant or staff member and I want to have the all rights of that title.
8. I want to set privacy settings about the interest group I created, so that I could arrange the reachability ( “open”, “invitation only”, or “principally open but request needed”) of the page.
9. When I’m creating an event, I want to fill some required information about the event like time and place to give more details to invitees.
10. When I’m creating an interest group, I want to fill some required information about the interest like description to give more details to other members of that group.
11. I want to create an event page for an upcoming event, so that I would reach people and we could attend that event together.
12. I want to arrange reachability of the event page I share, so that I would address people who would be interested in.
13. I want to report a user about an inappropriate content, so that an automated managing of the system by users can be done.
14. I want to have my profile page, so that other users would have information about what I do, what my interests are, what my email address is etc.
15. I prefer getting notifications from interest groups and events only if I am a member of that interest page or group.
16. I want to get recommendations about groups in which I might want to join, so that it would be easier to find the groups and join them.
17. As a user, I want the system to have a search property so that I would reach all the reachable content about the topic I look for.
18. I want to send friendship requests to other users to be able to connect with them.
19. I want to be able to respond the friend requests that someone send me to be able to connect with them.
20. I want to add some tags to the content I share, so that people who are interested in that topic would reach this content easier.
21. I want not to see the event announcements of the events which are over.
B. As an administrative user,
1. I want to describe a new structure, so that the content I shared would be comprehensible and more catchy.
2. I want to have full authority to edit or remove the any content in the system.
3. I want to be able to kick any person that is either reported or not.
4. I want any content,group or event to be visible for me, no matter it’s privacy settings.
5. I want to be the receiver of the reporting procedure, so that I can check them, decide and remove the content or person from the system if necessary.
- Mert Can Çüçen
- Müge Kurtipek
- Furkan Caymaz
- Berfu Büyüköz
- [Mert İmre](Mert İmre)
- Oguz Erdogmus
- Erdem Toraman (Communicator)
- Buğrahan Şahin
- [Berke Can Gürer] (Berke)
- [Lau Tsz Yan] (Amy)
- User Stories About Our Project
- Domain Analysis of Our Project
- Requirements of Our Project
- Scenarios
- Use Cases
- Presentation document for a scenario
- Class Diagram
- Sequence Diagrams
- Test Cases
- Project Plan
- Activity Diagrams
- Code Review Assignment
- Meeting1-20.02.2015
- Meeting2-04.03.2015
- Meeting with Customer1-04.03.2015
- Meeting3-13.03.2015
- Meeting4-21.03.2015
- Meeting with Customer2-25.03.2015
- Meeting5-29.03.2015
- Meeting6-17.04.2015
- Meeting7-02.05.2015
- Meeting8-08.05.2015
- Meeting9-01.10.2015
- Meeting10-04.10.2015
- MeetingUnofficial1-04.10.2015
- Meeting11-06.10.2015
- [Meeting with Customer3-08.10.2015](Customer Meeting 3)
- Meeting12-11.10.2015
- Meeting13-13.10.2015