CmpE 451 Group 9 Project
Here we share the fundamentals of our project. For more you can check our wiki page out.
InfoGrappo is a crowdsourcing platform that merges the wisdom of the community. The most interesting point of project is imaginary or realistic relations between topics that could be a word or a couple of words. Both the relations and topics are driven by the users of our community. They create topics, share their ideas about topics or share cognition of relations between topics.
- [Project Description] (
- [Requirements] (
- [Mockups] (
- [Test Plan] (
- [Project Plan] (
- [CMPE 352] (
- [Project Video] (
- [Mehmet Doğan] (Mehmet Doğan)
- [Işıl Kurt] (Işıl Kurt)
- [Ömer Faruk Tayfur] (Ömer Faruk Tayfur)
- [Abdulmenaf Kasap] (Abdulmenaf Kasap)
- [Seha Yiğit Güryol] (Seha Yiğit)
- [Haluk Aydın] (Haluk Aydın)
- [Serpil Kuzu] (Serpil Kuzu)
- [Uğur Taş] (Uğur Taş)
- [Mert Even] (Mert Even)