Easy sending sms on Verimor SMS API.
NOTE: These instructions are for the latest version of Laravel.
Install the package via Composer:
composer require emrebbozkurt/laravel-verimor-sms
Publish the configuration file if you want to change any defaults:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Emrebbozkurt\VerimorSms\VerimorServiceProvider"
Add this fields to .env file:
You can set from verimor config file the default values for extra parameters:
return [
'username' => env('VERIMOR_USERNAME', '908501234567'),
'password' => env('VERIMOR_API_KEY', 'xxxxxxx'),
'custom_id' => uniqid()
'datacoding' => '0',
'valid_for' => '48:00',
Simple Send:
$sms = Verimor::send('+905431231234', 'Hello');
$response = $sms->response();
$status = $sms->status();
Send with extra parameters:
$sms = Verimor::send('+905431231234', 'Hello', ['custom_id' => uniqid(), 'datacoding' => '0', 'valid_for' => '48:00']);
$response = $sms->response();
$status = $sms->status();
Please use GitHub for reporting bugs, and making comments or suggestions.
laravel-verimor-sms was written by Emre Bozkurt and is released under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2022 Emre Bozkurt