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1) Export a specific table
		mysqldump guestdb guestTbl > guestdb.txt
2) Import the data into the table
	mysql -p --user=username < guestdb.txt
	Add : use database_name to the .txt file (database_name must be either 
	development or production depending which db you want to import to)
	On production machine:
	mysql -u root -pProductionPassword -D production_db_name < testimonials.txt

Note: Copy the txt files with data to your server using scp: 

scp testimonials.txt deploy@remote_server:/home/rails/testimonials.txt

3) Add config/database.yml to .gitignore in the root of the project

Delete database.yml file if you had checked in or rename it to something else before
check in.

4) For moonshine to deploy, in config/deploy.rb add the line:

set :local_config, %w(config/database.yml config/admin.yml)


1) For admin, read user name and password from a config file. Refer backup gem readme.
2) Add admin config file to .gitignore.
3) Add the config/admin.yml to local_config array in moonshine
4) Test admin part of the site
5) Deploy on Linode and enjoy happy and retired life.
6) Remove fields not required by creating a migration (is it updated_at field?)
7) Use jQuery for datepicker
8) Tag all episodes before deploying
9) Refactor rendering error messages (shared/error_messages)
10) Install friendly_id
11) Remove discuss_link column - create migration
12) Remove all
13) Add link to testimonials on the navigation for Testimonials
14) Add paypal button
15) Record Rails 3 tutorial and send email blast
16) 21 mins mark


1) Edit ~/.ssh/config and add the host:

Host rubyplus
  Hostname 1XX.2XX.1XX.XX 
  User deploy

2) Login as root and add a user (deploy)

ssh root@my_linode_ip
adduser deploy

3) Add the deploy user to the sudoers file

4) Copy the line for root below the root line and change the user to deploy. Then save the file as sudoers, not sudoers.tmp.

Control-X to exit. Control-O to save

5) Set the host name:

echo "mynewhost" > /etc/hostname;
hostname -F /etc/hostname;

6) Log out and log back in as user deploy:

ssh deploy@my_linod_ip;

7) sudo apt-get update;
sudo apt-get upgrade --show-upgraded;

8) And set your timezone:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata;

9) After this you will need to make sure that your /etc/hosts file is set correctly. Do this by editing the system wide hosts file.

sudo vi /etc/hosts;

10) Make sure you add a line for each domain name you will be pointing to this server. For example:


This guide provides basic, step-by-step directions on getting Moonshine installed and configured for your Rails 2.x application. We strongly recommend following these steps in order.

We'll preface commands to run on your local machine like so:

    rm@macbook:~$ some command

And we'll preface commands to run on your server like so:

    rails@blackbox:~$ some command

And we'll make blocks of text (either output or contents of a file) like so:

Look at me! I'm a big ol' block o' text!

Aren't I great?

Initial Server Setup

You'll need an Ubuntu server or machine to get started. After the basic install you'll need to run a few commands to get the box ready. If you're a RailsMachine customer, you should be able to skip to the next section (titled 'Adding Moonshine...') as we put your SSH key(s) on the server for you.

First, log into your server via SSH and reset your root password:

    rm@macbook:~$ ssh root@

    root@blackbox:~$ passwd

NOTE Replace with the IP of your server everywhere you see it.

Add a new user called rails and give it a password:

    root@blackbox:~$ adduser rails

and give it sudo pemissions:

    root@blackbox:~$ visudo

In that file, add this line below "root ALL=(ALL) ALL"

rails   ALL=(ALL) ALL

On your local machine, run:

    rm@macbook:~$ test ! -f ~/.ssh/ || echo "SSH key has already been generated!"

If you do not see a message saying that the SSH key has already been generated, you'll need to run the following command:

    rm@macbook:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

Next, we're going to copy your public key to your server so you can securely connect to it without having to enter your password.

There are two ways to accomplish this step.

Again on your local machine, run:

    rm@macbook:~$ ssh-copy-id rails@

Command ssh-copy-id should be available on most of modern system, but if its not, here are the steps you have to take, in order to copy your public key to your server. Follow next 7 steps if ssh-copy-id failed or is unavailable.

On your local machine, run:

    rm@macbook:~$ scp ~/.ssh/ rails@

    rm@macbook:~$ ssh rails@

Now on your server, run these:

    rails@blackbox:~$ mkdir /home/rails/.ssh

    rails@blackbox:~$ tee -a /home/rails/.ssh/authorized_keys

    rails@blackbox:~$ sudo chown -R rails:rails /home/rails/.ssh

    rails@blackbox:~$ sudo chmod 700 /home/rails/.ssh

    rails@blackbox:~$ sudo chmod 600 /home/rails/.ssh/authorized_keys

Now your keys should be in place.

Let's make it easy to connect with your server. On your local machine, open ~/.ssh/config file with any text editor (Textmate, Emacs, Vim, etc) and add your information using the template below:

Host blackbox
  User rails

Don't forget to change your IP as well as pick a name for your server that makes sense.

Save & close that file. Now you should be able to connect to your server by just typing:

    rm@macbook:~$ ssh blackbox

Okay, we've got one final thing we need to get your initial server setup - give your server access to your github account (you may or may not store your application's code on github, but we do recommend it).

Once you've ssh'd into your server as the rails user, generate your ssh key similar to how to you did it on your local machine:

    rails@blackbox:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

It will ask you if you want to give it a password. For ease of use, you should just leave the password blank here. When you're done, you want to output the public key it generates by running this:

    rails@blackbox:~$ cat /home/rails/.ssh/

Copy the key that is printed out and enter it into your github account


Changing mysql password

mysql -u root -p<password>
use mysql;
select Host, User, Password from user ;
update user set password = '' where user = 'root' and host = 'localhost';
flush privileges;
enter root password
service mysql stop/start/restart


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