#bpcmusic's dk synergy corner
I'm creating this archive as a place to document my attempts to restore a DK Synergy II+ (#1398) that was purchased in the fall of 2016 as a part of my #midlifesynthcrisis or #midilifecrisis. :) I'll also be sharing a lot of photos on my personal Instagram.
Along the way, I'll store the relevant things that I learn here. While I am relatively handy with electronics, this is the first vintage synth project that I've undertaken.
##My Journey
- Taking the Synergy Apart
- Replacing the Aging Capacitors
- Installing Headers for Board Connections
- Restoring the Wood Case
- Replacing the Power Supply and Noisy Fan
- Fixing Sticky Buttons
- Connecting to the Kaypro II
- Replacing the Kaypro II Disk Drive with a Floppy Emulator
- Building a Cartridge PCB and 3D Printed Shell
- Keyboard Refurbishment
##Handy Resources
- Synergy Resource Page
- Facebook Synergy Group
- Yahoo Synergy Group
- Vintage Synth
- Old Crow's Vintage Synth Tips
- HxC Floppy Emulator
- Syntaur Synergy Parts
##Synergy Videos
- Rex Coggins has compiled a YouTube playlist that covers a whole bunch of Synergy-related videos up on YouTube; check it out at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLffUjChiMD5i-BCu7Go9ABLnsAaPviy90
##Nice Helpful Folks
- Major thanks to Brian McLaren (made a few of those YouTube videos up there). He has gone above and beyond with me helping get the instrument 100% with my software, EPROMs and general usage questions.
- Thanks to Rex Coggins for his advice and recommendations.
- Thanks to Alexander Guelfenberg at Virtual Music - insanely nice and helpful in my trek to refurbish the Synergy.