copies all or portions of a remote GitHub repo. Useful for pulling down template projects or reusable bits of code.
- Downloads tarball of latest commit on primary branch using HTTP
- Supports private repos via git (SSH)
- Always omits git history
- Use glob patterns for file filtering
- Quickly copy GitHub Workflows in
directory to local project - Auto-replace
placeholders in GitHub Workflow templates with local default branch
rsieve 0.0.5
Copies all or portions of a remote git repo
rsieve [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <repo> [destination]
-d, --default-branch Auto-replaces '$default-branch' placeholders
-g, --git Git clone (SSH) instead of tarball via HTTP
-h, --help Prints help information
-p, --preview Previews without updating destination
-V, --version Prints version information
-w, --workflows Get GitHub Actions workflows only. (.github directory)
--branch <branch> Source branch name. Defaults to primary branch
--filter <filter> Glob filter to get only specific directories and files
<repo> GitHub repo. Required
<destination> Destination path [default: .]
Sample usage:
# Make local copy of public repo in current directory
rsieve owner/repo
# Make local copy of private repo in current directory.
# Requires local installation of git.
rsieve --git owner/repo
rsieve -g owner/repo
# Make local copy of public repo in specified directory.
rsieve owner/repo my-app
# Make local copy of public repo's feature-1 branch in
# specified directory.
rsieve --branch "feature-1" owner/repo my-app
# Make local copy of public repo's .github directory.
rsieve --workflows owner/repo
# Preview making local copy of public repo's .github directory.
rsieve --preview --workflows owner/repo my-app
# Copy all md files in public repo's root directory to current directory.
rsieve --filter "*.md" owner/repo
# Copy all png files in public repo's images directory to images directory
rsieve --filter "images/*.png" owner/repo images
# Copy the android workflow template from starter workflows
# and auto-replace $default-branch placeholder with local repo's
# default branch
rsieve -d actions/starter-workflows --filter "ci/android.yml"
The easiest way to install rsieve is by using Homebrew.
brew tap bradyjoslin/rsieve
brew install rsieve
Download the binary for your OS from the releases page and place the unpacked rsieve
somewhere on your PATH.
Requires Rust.
cargo install --branch main --git
Inspired by degit, ghat, and related forks.