Code for surrogate module learning (SML) Create a new backward path for more accurate SNN gradients.
The Following Setup is tested and it is working:
- Python>=3.5
- Pytorch>=1.9.0
- Cuda>=10.2
- We use Dspike surrogate gradient to realize the backward of step function.
- LIF model is build in LIFSpike in models/
- If you want to adjust the hyperparameters, number, position, and structure of the surrogate module, the relevant code is on lines 512-537 of
- If you have two GPUs, you can use the following code to run this demo (ResNet-18 structure with T=4 on CIFAR100), the default two surrogate modules are located after 3-rd and 6-th basicblocks.
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --use_env \
--batch-size 128 --cos_lr_T 300 --epochs 300 \
--model ResNet_SB18 \
--num_classes 100 --dataset cifar100 --T 2 \
--sync-bn --optimizer adamw --lr 0.01 --weight-decay 0.02
- The ResNet-34 models we used on ImageNet are avilable here
Reference paper.