- Communicate with hardware parts, store data and manage configurations
- 📦 Docker
- 📦 Docker-compose
- 🌍 Python
- 🛡 Eclipse Mosquitto broker
- 🛡 Paho-mqtt client
Clone the project
Enter project directory
cd project directory
Create .env file and mosquitto configs
- run startup program (python v3)
python /startup/startup.py
- choose option '0' to autogenerate conf and env files
- /.env
- /mosquitto/config/access_control_list.acl
- /mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf
Build images in docker compose:
docker-compose build
Run images:
docker-compose up
Go to
for DB setup instructions
- View :
(implement controller funcs)tests/insomnia.json
(exported insomnia requests)ControllerClientTopicShema.txt
(user - topic rules)
Email us at brainhublab@gmail.com