Simple small and opinionated template parser without external dependencies (~950B minified).
- parseTemplate - Replace tokens in text with provided values
- extractTokensFromTemplate - Get tokens metadata from provided template
import { parseTemplate } from '@brandchamp/simple-template-parser';
const template = `
Please register to our portal to earn free stuff
All the best
// Example 1 - Parsing template with all tokens available
const { text, unreplacedTokens } = parseTemplate(template, {
'FIRST-NAME': 'John',
'LAST-NAME': 'Doe',
'COMPANY-LOGO': '<img src=""></img>',
'LINK-BUTTON'(name, url) {
return `<a class="ui large primary button" href="${url}">${name}</a>`;
<<<<<<<<OUTPUT [text]>>>>>>>
Hi John Doe,
Please register to our portal to earn free stuff
<a class="ui large primary button" href="">Register</a>
All the best
<img src=""></img>
<<<<<<<<OUTPUT [unreplacedTokens]>>>>>>>
// Example 2 - Parsing template without having value for all tokens
const { text, unreplacedTokens } = parseTemplate(template, {
'FIRST-NAME': 'John',
'COMPANY-LOGO': '<img src=""></img>',
<<<<<<<<OUTPUT [text]>>>>>>>
Hi John {{LAST-NAME}},
Please register to our portal to earn free stuff
All the best
<img src=""></img>
<<<<<<<<OUTPUT [unreplacedTokens]>>>>>>>
expression: '{{LAST-NAME}}',
token: 'LAST-NAME',
props: [],
}, {
expression: '{{LINK-BUTTON "Register" REGISTER-URL}}',
token: 'LINK-BUTTON',
props: ['"Register"', 'REGISTER-URL'],
import { extractTokensFromTemplate } from '@brandchamp/simple-template-parser';
const template = `
Please register to our portal to earn free stuff
All the best
P.S Keep in mind that token naming convention is up to you ;)
{{ functionName prop1 prop2 }}
// Example3 - Extracting tokens from template without parsing it
const tokens = extractTokensFromTemplate(template)
<<<<<<<<OUTPUT [tokens]>>>>>>>
expression: '{{FIRST-NAME}}',
token: 'FIRST-NAME',
props: [],
}, {
expression: '{{LAST-NAME}}',
token: 'LAST-NAME',
props: [],
}, {
expression: '{{LINK-BUTTON "Register" REGISTER-URL}}',
token: 'LINK-BUTTON',
props: ['"Register"', 'REGISTER-URL'],
}, {
expression: '{{COMPANY-LOGO}}',
token: 'COMPANY-LOGO',
props: [],
}, {
expression: '{{ functionName prop1 prop2 }}',
token: 'functionName',
props: [prop1, prop2],
For more examples reference provided test test/templateParser.spec.ts