A simple user management library for Node.js.
Stormpath is a complete user management API. This library gives your Node app access to all of Stormpath's features:
- Robust authentication and authorization.
- Schemaless user data.
- Pre-built or hosted login screens.
- Social login with Facebook and Google OAuth.
- Generate and manage API keys for your service.
If you have feedback about this library, please get in touch and share your thoughts! support@stormpath.com
Stormpath is a User Management API that reduces development time with instant-on, scalable user infrastructure. Stormpath's intuitive API and expert support make it easy for developers to authenticate, manage, and secure users and roles in any application.
All of this library's documentation can be found here: http://docs.stormpath.com/nodejs/api/home (It's ridiculously easy to get started with.)
Below are some resources you might find useful!
- Express-Stormpath Integration
- Express-Stormpath Docs
- 15-Minute Tutorial: Build a Webapp with Node, Express, Bootstrap & Stormpath
- Deploy Stormpath on Heroku with Express.js
- Stormpath Passport Strategy
- stormpath-passport-express Sample App repo
- Stormpath Passport Docs
- 15-Minute Tutorial: Build a Webapp With Node.js, Express, Passport and Stormpath
npm install stormpath
The Quickstart is on the front page of the Stormpath Node.js API Documentation.
This code does not require a build step and can be immediately required by your node application after installed from npm (see above).
You may run the unit tests with the grunt command:
Or the integration tests (which assume an apikey file in ~/.stormpath
grunt it
To build the documentation, you need to enter the docs
directory, then run:
$ npm install -g bower
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt
The grunt serve
command will build and serve the docs locally on port 9000. You can
view the HTML documentation by visiting http://localhost:9000/home in your browser.
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
You can make your own contributions by forking the develop branch of this repository, making your changes, and issuing pull request on the develop branch.
We regularly maintain this repository, and are quick to review pull requests and accept changes!
We <333 contributions!
Copyright © 2014 Stormpath, Inc. and contributors.
This project is open-source via the Apache 2.0 License.