I followed the Strawberry + FastAPI integration docs at https://strawberry.rocks/docs/integrations/fastapi
To run this example:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn schema:app --reload --port=8000
Then open http://localhost:8000/graphql in your browser, which should show the GraphQL Playground.
Try the named query lastBook
, which is instrumented with autometrics:
lastBook {
You can also try the named query books
, but I wasn't able to instrument this one with autometrics. I think we'd need to instrument the resolver itself, absent some modifications to the autometrics library to support @strawberry.field
books {
We can use the the autometrics cli to get going fast with prometheus locally.
Once that's installed, we just need to tell it how to scrape the example app:
# Install the CLI
brew install autometrics-dev/tap/am
# Boot up Prometheus and the Explorer
am start :8000
# Visit the explorer
open http://localhost:6789
After you've used the lastBook
query a few times (via the GraphiQL interface), you should see metrics in the explorer.