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timmy committed Jan 19, 2009
1 parent b14b7be commit 3b8a08b
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Showing 5 changed files with 208 additions and 4 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/lib/regex.slate
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
ensureNamespace: #Regex.
lobby ensureNamespace: #Regex.

Regex define: #Parser
&slots: {#input. #lookahead}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Regex Syntax define: #Piece &parents: {Regex Syntax Node} &slots:

Regex Syntax define: #CharSet &parents: {Regex Syntax Node}.
Regex Syntax define: #CharSet &parents: {Regex Syntax Node} &slots:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ m@(Regex Match Marker traits) matchAgainst: aMatcher
| startPosition |
startPosition: aMatcher position.
(m next matchAgainst: aMatcher)
/\ [aMatcher markerPositionAt: m index maybePut: startPosition. True].
/\ [aMatcher markerPositionAt: m index maybePut: startPosition. True]

t@(Regex Match Terminator traits) terminateWith: aTerminator
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/net/http.slate
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

Net define: #HttpConnection &parents: {Cloneable} &slots: {#socket. }
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/net/init.slate
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@

load: 'src/lib/regex.slate'.
load: 'src/net/sockets.slate'.
load: 'src/net/uri.slate'.
load: 'src/net/http.slate'.

5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/net/sockets.slate
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ Socket ErrorCodes addSlot: #Dictionary valued: Dictionary new.
Socket ErrorCodes Dictionary add: item value -> item key.

conditions define: #SocketError
&parents: {ExternalResource SeriousCondition}
&slots: {#error. #errorCode}.

Socket Domains `>> [
Expand All @@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ Socket Protocols `>> [

s@(Socket traits) throwError: code
error: (Socket ErrorCodes Dictionary at: code) printString
SocketError new `>> [error: (Socket ErrorCodes Dictionary at: code). errorCode: code. signal]

Expand Down
196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions src/net/uri.slate
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
lobby ensureNamespace: #Net.
Net ensureNamespace: #Schemes.

Net Schemes define: #Scheme &parents: {Cloneable}.
Net Schemes define: #Http &parents: {Net Schemes Scheme}.
Net Schemes define: #Mailto &parents: {Net Schemes Scheme}.

Net Schemes define: #SchemeDictionary -> Dictionary new.

{ 'http' -> Net Schemes Http.
'http' -> Net Schemes Mailto.
} do: [|:each| Net Schemes SchemeDictionary add: each].

u@(Net Schemes Scheme traits) uriText [overrideThis].
u@(Net Schemes Http traits) uriText ['http'].
u@(Net Schemes Mailto traits) uriText ['mailto'].

string@(String traits) as: _@(Net Schemes Scheme)
(Net Schemes SchemeDictionary at: string ifAbsent: [ error: 'Cannot find scheme: ' ; string]) new

Net define: #URI &parents: {ExternalResource Locator}
&slots: {#scheme. #fragment}.

u@(Net URI traits) isAbsolute
"All Absolute URLs have a scheme."
[u scheme isNotNil].

u@(Net URI traits) isEmpty
"Answer whether it contains anything important according to the scheme."

u@(Net URI traits) printSchemeSpecificPartOn: encoder
"Print the scheme-specific part on the encoding stream."

Net define: #HierarchicalURI &parents: {Net URI} &slots:
#path -> {}. "The path segments."

u@(Net HierarchicalURI traits) new
"TODO: Finish this"
[u cloneSettingSlots: #(scheme fragment authority path query)
to: {u scheme. u fragment. u authority. u path new. u query new}].

u@(Net HierarchicalURI traits) isEmpty
[u path isEmpty /\ [u authority isNil]].

u@(Net HierarchicalURI traits) printSchemeSpecificPartOn: encoder
u authority ifNotNil: [encoder ; '//'. u authority printOn: encoder].
u path printOn: encoder.
u query ifNotNil: [encoder ; '?'. encoder nextPutAll: u query as: 'uric'].

u@(Net URI traits) resolveRelative: ru
[error: 'Only hierarchical URIs can resolve relative ones.'].

abs@(Net HierarchicalURI traits) resolveRelative: rel@(Net HierarchicalURI traits)
"Resolve a URI which should be relative to this one."
"This algorithm is derived from the one in RFC 2396, section 5.2. It assumes
both URIs have already been parsed.
- If the first segment in rel's path is '', or rel's authority is
defined, rel contains an absolute path, so use rel's path as-is.
Otherwise, merge abs's path with rel's as follows:
- If the buffer is not empty, but begins with something other than '',
prepend '' to get a leading slash. If rel path is empty, but abs path
is not, put a '' at the end of the buffer so we don't lose the slash
that was there before we removed the last segment.
- Find the first occurrence of '..' from the left. If the previous argument
is '', then stop processing (or raise an error?). If '..' was the last
segment, append ''. Remove both '..' and the previous argument. Repeat
until there are no more occurrences of '..'."
[| result |
"If rel is an absolute reference, it is (by the RFC) already resolved."
rel isAbsolute ifTrue: [^ rel].
"Scheme must be Nil at this point, since rel isAbsolute not."
"If rel's path is empty and the scheme, authority, and query are undefined,
then it is a reference to the current document."
rel path isEmpty
/\ [rel authority isNil]
/\ [rel query isNil]
ifTrue: [^ rel].
"Use rel's query and fragment, and abs's scheme."
result: (abs cloneSettingSlots: #(query fragment scheme)
to: {rel query. rel fragment. abs scheme}).
"If rel's authority is defined, use it, or else use abs's."
rel authority
[result authority: abs authority.
rel path isEmpty not
/\ [rel path first = '']
ifTrue: [result path: rel path]
[| resultPath dotDotIndex |
"Copy all but the last segment of abs path to a buffer.
Append rel path to the buffer."
resultPath: (abs path allButLast ; rel path as: ExtensibleArray).
resultPath isEmpty not
/\ [resultPath first ~= '']
ifTrue: [resultPath addFirst: ''].
rel path isEmpty
/\ [abs path isEmpty not]
ifTrue: [resultPath addLast: ''].
"If the last segment is '.', preserve a trailing slash."
resultPath last = '.' ifTrue: [resultPath addLast: ''].
"Remove all occurrences of '.' from the buffer."
resultPath removeAllSuchThat: [| :seg | seg = '.'].
"If the last segment is '..', preserve a trailing slash."
resultPath last = '..' ifTrue: [resultPath addLast: ''].
"Find occurrences of '..' from the left."
dotDotIndex: 0.
[dotDotIndex: (resultPath indexOf: '..' startingAt: dotDotIndex).
dotDotIndex isNil]
[dotDotIndex = 1
ifTrue: "Do not remove a leading slash."
[dotDotIndex: dotDotIndex + 1]
ifFalse: "Remove the '..' and the preceding element."
[resultPath at: dotDotIndex - 1 remove: 2]].
result path: resultPath]]
[result authority: rel authority.
result path: rel path].

Net define: #OpaqueURI &parents: {Net URI}
&slots: {#opaquePart}.

u@(Net OpaqueURI traits) isEmpty [u opaquePart isNil].

u@(Net OpaqueURI traits) printSchemeSpecificPartOn: encoder
[u opaquePart ifNotNil: [encoder nextPutAll: u opaquePart as: 'uricNoSlash']].

u@(Net URI traits) readFrom: s
[| r |
r: (Regex Matcher forString: '^(([^:/?#]+)\\:)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?').
(r matches: s)
ifTrue: [Net URI cloneSettingSlots: #(scheme authority path query fragment)
to: {(r subexpression: 3) as: Net Schemes Scheme.
r subexpression: 5.
r subexpression: 6.
r subexpression: 8.
r subexpression: 10}]
ifFalse: [error: 'Unable to parse: ' ; s ; ' as URI']

u@(Net URI traits) as: s@(String traits)
[| :result |
u scheme isEmpty ifFalse: [result ; u scheme ; ':'].
u authority isEmpty ifFalse: [result ; '//' ; u authority].
result ; u path.
u query isEmpty ifFalse: [result ; '?' ; u query].
u fragment isEmpty ifFalse: [result ; '#' ; u fragment].
] streamingAs: ''

u@(Net URI traits) testParsing
[| myurl |
myurl: (uri readFrom: 'http://localhost/~jewel/moo').
myurl actor contents print.

Net define: #URL &parents: {Net HierarchicalURI} &slots: {}.

u@(Net URI traits) scheme [overrideThis].

u@(Net URL traits) readFrom: s
[| r |
r: (Regex Matcher for: '^(([^:/?#]+)\\:)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?').
(r matches: s)
ifTrue: [Net URL clone `>>
[scheme: ((r subexpression: 3) as: Net Schemes Scheme).
authority: (r subexpression: 5).
path: (r subexpression: 6).
query: (r subexpression: 8).
fragment: (r subexpression: 10). ]]
ifFalse: [error: 'unable to parse URL']

u@(Net URL traits) as: s@(String traits)
[| :result |
u scheme ifNotNil: [result ; u scheme uriText ; ':'].
u authority = '' ifFalse: [result ; '//' ; u authority].
result ; u path.
u query = '' ifFalse: [result ; '?' ; u query].
u fragment = '' ifFalse: [result ; '#' ; u fragment]
] streamingAs: ''

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