This project holds the Stand alone Query Expander.
It may be moved into BridgeDb in which case this repository will be closed.
This project depends on the BridgeDb project.
- BridgeDb:
- Validator
- OpenPhacts Identity Mapping Service
Instructions for configuration can be found in
Please check that AND the other readme and property files that links too.
The Query Expander and Data loader will NOT work if these configurations are incorrect!
Properties File Location: BridgeDB code used to locate Query Expander properties files so See: {$bridgeDB}README.txt Properties File Location:
BridgeDB code used to add local properties to Query Expander properties.
See: {$bridgeDB}README.txt
See {$IdentityMappingService} Data Loading section Remember this depends on the correct configurations!
To run the query expander the easiest way is via the webservice: Drop QueryExpander.war into Tomcat
To run QueryExpander without a WS
HardCodedGraphResolver resolver = new HardCodedGraphResolver();
SQLAccess sqlAccess = SqlFactory.createSQLAccess();
URLMapper urlMapper =new SQLUrlMapper(false, sqlAccess, new MySQLSpecific());
IMSMapper imsMapper = new BridgeDBMapper (resolver.getAllowedNamespaces(), urlMapper);
QueryExpander queryExpander = new QueryExpanderImpl(imsMapper);
To run using the WS and a client see: QueryExpanderClientFactory returned QueryExpanderWSClient implements the same QueryExpander interface