A Bridgetown plugin which provides authentication and account management via database access and SSR routes, powered by Rodauth.
WIP — public 1.0 release coming soon once Bridgetown 2.0 ships!
As a prerequisite to installing Authtown, make sure you've set up Sequel database access via the bridgetown_sequel plugin. You'll also need a way to send mail (Authtown will install the mail
gem automatically) via a service like Sendgrid, Mailgun, etc. In addition, if you haven't already, you will need to add the dotenv
and bridgetown-routes
plugins as described in your Gemfile
and config/initializers.rb
file. Finally, for an easy way to generate account forms, install the Lifeform plugin.
Run this command to add this plugin to your site's Gemfile:
bundle add authtown
Then set up a mail initializer file:
Bridgetown.initializer :mail do |password:|
# set up options below for your particular email service
Mail.defaults do
delivery_method :smtp,
address: "smtp.sendgrid.net",
port: 465,
user_name: "apikey",
authentication: :plain,
tls: true
And call that from your configuration in config/initializers.rb
only :server do
init :mail do # set up options below
password ENV.fetch("SERVICE_API_KEY", nil) # can come from .env file or hosting environment
Next, add Authtown's initialization for your configuration. Here's a basic set of options:
init :lifeform
init :authtown do
# Defaults, uncomment to modify:
# account_landing_page "/account/profile"
# user_class_resolver -> { User }
# user_name_field :first_name
rodauth_config -> do
email_from "Your Name <youremail@example.com>"
reset_password_email_body do
"Howdy! You or somebody requested a password reset for your account.\n" \
"If that's legit, here's the link:\n#{reset_password_email_link}\n\n" \
"Otherwise, you may safely ignore this message.\n\nThanks!\n–You @ Company"
enable :http_basic_auth if Bridgetown.env.test?
# You can define additional options here as provided by Rodauth directly
You will need to generate a secret key for Roda's session handling. Run bin/bridgetown secret
to copy that into your .env file.
You will also need to generate a Sequel migration for your user accounts. Here is an example, you can tweak as necessary. Run bin/bridgetown db::migrations:new filename=create_users
, then edit the file:
Sequel.migration do
change do
extension :date_arithmetic
create_table(:users) do
primary_key :id, type: :Bignum
citext :email, null: false
constraint :valid_email, email: /^[^,;@ \r\n]+@[^,@; \r\n]+\.[^,@; \r\n]+$/
String :first_name
String :password_hash, null: false
index :email, unique: true
DateTime :created_at
DateTime :updated_at
# Used by the remember me feature
create_table(:account_remember_keys) do
foreign_key :id, :users, primary_key: true, type: :Bignum
String :key, null: false
DateTime :deadline, { null: false, default: Sequel.date_add(Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, days: 30) }
create_table(:account_password_reset_keys) do
foreign_key :id, :users, primary_key: true, type: :Bignum
String :key, null: false
DateTime :deadline, { null: false, default: Sequel.date_add(Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, days: 1) }
DateTime :email_last_sent, null: false, default: Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
Also create your User model:
# ./models/user.rb
require "bcrypt"
class User < Sequel::Model
def self.password_for_string(str) # helper method
And then run bin/bridgetown db:migrate
Now, let's set up our forms and auth pages. We'll begin by creating an Account form:
# ./models/forms/account.rb
module Forms
class Account < Lifeform::Form
fields do
field rodauth.login_param.to_sym,
type: :email,
label: rodauth.login_label,
required: true,
autocomplete: "username",
autofocus: true
field :name,
label: "Your Name",
autocomplete: "name",
required: true
field rodauth.password_param.to_sym,
type: :password,
label: rodauth.password_label,
required: true,
autocomplete: rodauth.password_field_autocomplete_value
field :submit, type: :submit_button, label: rodauth.login_button
Next, let's create the pages for logging in or creating an account.
render_with do
layout :page,
title "#"
<% if rodauth.logged_in? %>
<p style="text-align:center">
It looks like you're already signed in. Would you like to <a href="/account/profile">view your profile?</a>
<% end %>
<%= render Forms::Account.new(id: "login-form", url: rodauth.login_path, class: "centered") do |f| %>
<%= render "form_errors" %>
render f.field(
value: r.params[rodauth.login_param],
aria: { invalid: rodauth.field_error(rodauth.login_param).present? }
render f.field(
aria: { invalid: rodauth.field_error(rodauth.password_param).present? }
) %>
render f.field(:submit)
<% end %>
<p>Need to reset password? <a href="<%= rodauth.reset_password_request_path %>">Guess so ➞</a></p>
<hr />
<p>Don't have an account yet? <a href="<%= rodauth.create_account_path %>"># today!</a></p>
render_with do
layout :page,
title "#"
<% if rodauth.logged_in? %>
<p style="text-align:center">
It looks like you're already signed in. Would you like to <a href="/account/profile">view your profile?</a>
<% end %>
<%= render Forms::Account.new(url: rodauth.create_account_path, class: "centered") do |f| %>
<%= render "form_errors" %>
render f.field(
value: r.params[rodauth.login_param],
aria: { invalid: rodauth.field_error(rodauth.login_param).present? }
render f.field(
value: r.params[:first_name]
render f.field(
aria: { invalid: rodauth.field_error(rodauth.password_param).present? }
) %>
render f.field(:submit, label: rodauth.create_account_button)
<% end %>
<% unless rodauth.logged_in? %>
<p style="text-align:center">Have an account already? <a href="/auth/#"># here</a>.</p>
<% end %>
<p aria-live="assertive">
<% if flash[:error] %>
<%= flash[:error] %>:
<% if rodauth.field_error(rodauth.login_param) %>
<%= rodauth.field_error(rodauth.login_param) %>
<% end %>
<% if rodauth.field_error(rodauth.password_param) %>
<%= rodauth.field_error(rodauth.password_param) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
We'll still need ones for password reset, but let's hold off for the moment. We're almost ready to test this out, but you'll also need an account profile page for when the user's successfully signed in:
rodauth.require_authentication # always include this before logged-in only routes
render_with do
layout :page,
title "Your Account"
<%= markdownify do %>
Welcome back, **<%= current_user.first_name %>**.
(other content here)
<% end %>
<hr />
<form method="post" action="<%= rodauth.logout_path %>">
<%= csrf_tag(rodauth.logout_path) %>
<p>You’re logged in as: <strong><%= current_user.email %></strong>.</p>
<button type="submit"><%= rodauth.logout_button %></button>
At this point, you should be able to start up your Bridgetown site, navigate to /auth/create-account
, and test creating an account, logging out, logging back in, etc.
As a final step, we'll need to handle password reset. Add the following pages:
render_with do
layout :page,
title "Reset Your Password"
<%= render Forms::Account.new(url: rodauth.reset_password_request_path, class: "centered") do |f| %>
<%= render "form_errors" %>
render f.field(
value: r.params[rodauth.login_param],
aria: { invalid: rodauth.field_error(rodauth.login_param).present? }
render f.field(:submit, label: rodauth.reset_password_request_button)
<% end %>
render_with do
layout :page,
title "Save New Password"
<%= render Forms::Account.new(url: rodauth.reset_password_path, class: "centered") do |f| %>
<%= render "form_errors" %>
render f.field(
aria: { invalid: rodauth.field_error(rodauth.password_param).present? }
render f.field(:submit, label: rodauth.reset_password_button)
<% end %>
render_with do
layout :page
title "Reset Link Sent"
<p style="text-align: center">Check your email, it should be arriving in just a moment.</p>
Now when you navigate to /auth/reset-password-request
, you should be able to get a link for saving a new password.
- Run
bundle exec rake test
to run the test suite - Or run
to validate with Rubocop and Minitest together.
- Fork it (https://github.com/bridgetownrb/authtown)
- Clone the fork using
git clone
to your local development machine. - Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request