This github repo contains the code for the analyses described in ``Welch-weighted Egger regression reduces false positives in Mendelian randomization due to correlated pleiotropy''.
The primary method functions are WWER::welch_test()
which is used to calculate
the weights, and WWER::WWER()
which is used to estimate the effect.
For example, if I have a set of SNP effect esimates for LD-pruned SNPs
in two samples for two phenotypes:
# beta_exp_1, se_exp_1: exposure effects and SEs, sample 1.
# beta_exp_2, se_exp_2: exposure effects and SEs, sample 2.
# beta_out_1, se_out_1: outcome effects and SEs, sample 1.
# beta_out_2, se_out_2: outcome effects and SEs, sample 2.
weights = WWER::welch_test(beta_exp_1, beta_out_1, se_exp_1, se_out_1)$t
result = WWER::WWER(beta_exp_2, beta_out_2, se_exp_2, se_out_2, weights)
In practice, if you are applying this in the intended setting of exploratory analysis of many phenotypes, the analysis code will be more complicated.
We will assume your data are in two objects sumstats_1
and sumstats_2
. Each of these two objects should have two members
and $se_hat
which are genotypes by phenotypes matrices
of effect estimates and standard errors for your dataset. In the file
we provide some helper functions for parsing your data into this
format from the Neale lab UKBB sumstats file format. See
as well as its use in
Once you have your data matrices, the first step is usually to choose
instruments and calculate their weights using the first data matrix. This is done
using selected_snps <- WWER::select_snps(sumstats_1)
The default settings correspond to the parameters used
in the analysis in the manuscript, however you can adjust the parameters to
your liking. For example, to use a more liberal SNP inclusion threshold you
can set p_thresh=5e-06
, or to filter SNPs with similar scores more stringently
you can set e.g. filter=3.2
. Please note this function does not take into
account LD. If your genotypes have already been pruned to be approximately
independent, you can use this directly. If they are not independent, this
function takes a snps_to_use
argument which accepts a named list mapping
phenotype names to lists of SNPs that are independent and should be used for
that phenotype (for example coming from running PLINK clump on that sumstats
Once you have your instruments selected you can calculate a matrix of effects
using WWER::fit_tce(sumstats_2, selected_snps)
which will return a matrix
of phenotype - phenotype effects as well as standard errors for all pairs
of phenotypes with valid instruments.
For a complete example of running this pipeline on the entire UKBB phenotype
set, see WWER/Rmd/ukbb_preprocessing.Rmd
and WWER/Rmd/ukbb_analysis.Rmd
What is WWER?
WWER is an approach to Mendelian randomization. It uses two datasets to attempt to downweight genetic instruments that may be acting through a third (unobserved) factor. This can reduce the false positives due to correlated pleiotropy.
What are the advantages of WWER over other methods for doing MR?
There are two main advantages of WWER. The first is that it reduces false positives due to correlated pleiotropy. The second is that it is very fast. Compared to other methods that control false positives due to correlated pleiotropy, it is much faster. Compared to other fast methods, it is much better at controlling for correlated pleiotropy.
When should I use WWER instead of other methods?
WWER is ideal for settings that require both speed and control of the FPR in the presence of correlated pleiotropy. It was created specifically for exploratory analysis in biobank-style data. However it may be helpful in any settings where you have more phenotype pairs than bandwidth to manually validate MR method assumptions for every pair, or if you don't have time to run slower mixture models on every pair.
What data do I need to use WWER?
To estimate an effect for one pair of phenotypes, you need four sets of GWAS summary statistics: two sets with non-overlapping samples for each phenotype. In practice, this method is best suited for application to many pairs of phenotypes simultaneously. In that setting you need two non-overlapping sample sets for each phenotype.
For more information please see: