Set of simple browser games built in Twine
Play them online!
Deprecated 11/2020 in favor of modular repository structure -
Install golang for your system.
Install the Tweego compiled binary with:
go get
Use the Tweego twee compiler to compile .twee
or .tw
files into built .html
files ready for viewing.
- Make edits to the
files for your game. - Compile it for viewing/distribution
go run builder/*
The Tweego compiled requires a local copy of any Storyformat you use, located in the storyformats/
directory. If you need a new format you will need to get them yourself, and add them to the formats folder.
For a list of all formats Tweego has access to: go run formats
Less perferable, but if you'd like a graphical view of the story structure the compiled .html
file can be edited using the online Twine 2 Editor.
NOTE: This will only work for games built in a single .twee
- Open the Editor at
Import from File
and select the compiled<story>.html
file.- Make any edits / rearrange stories
Publish to File
and overrite the old<story>.html
file.- Run the Tweego decompiler to backport your changes to the `.twee file.
go run dist/<game>.html -o games/<game>/<game>.twee -d (-f <format>)
This project uses Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager to track user engagement.
The analytics.html
file initializes a GTM dataLayer for the container of all TwineGames: GTM-T6XR5LZ
. This does not need to be modified per game, just set up a unique trigger/tag for each game and use the GameName as the event
Be sure to forward the GTM tag to a specific GA Property for each game.
Because Twine games are run as a single page, GTM will only pick up a single page view event by default. If you want to track other engagement, you must provide custom events (such as "Start", "Finish", "Dead", etc).
Follow this naming scheme for custom events.