SecretString provides an encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface around a string that will retrieve a secret stored in a project's Google Secret Manager. It is meant to be used with Google Cloud Functions and Kelsey Hightower's envconfig library.
The following is required:
- The Go code that uses this needs a
environment variable set - It is a bit of a hack, but set the
tag to the name of the secret (see example below)
To use this in your project, pull it down:
go get -u
package main
import (
type Config struct {
SuperSecret secretstring.SecretString `default:"SecretName"`
GCPProject string `split_words:"true"`
func main() {
var c Config
err := envconfig.Process("", &c)
if err != nil {
format := "SuperSecret: %s\nGCP_PROJECT: %s\n"
_, err = fmt.Printf(format, c.SuperSecret, c.GCPProject)
if err != nil {
The output:
Windows4Ever:testenv rockwoodson$ GCP_PROJECT=my-project go run main.go
SuperSecret: Drink your Ovaltine
GCP_PROJECT: my-project
Windows4Ever:testenv rockwoodson$
The GCPProject struct member above is not required for the SecretString decoder to work and is only there as additional debugging output.