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All-in-one node management tool with support for stEVER DePools


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All-in-one node management tool.

How to install

  • Using Debian package

    sudo apt install curl gnupg
    # Add custom ppa repo
    curl \
      | sudo apt-key add -
    echo 'deb [arch=amd64] broxus-deb-pub main' \
      | sudo tee -a  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/broxus.list
    # Install the tool
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install nodekeeper
    # Add current user to the nodekeeper group
    sudo usermod -a -G nodekeeper $USER
    # Update groups cache (you can just relogin instead)
    newgrp nodekeeper
  • Using cargo install

    # Install deps for the node
    sudo apt install curl pkg-config libssl-dev libzstd-dev libclang-dev libtcmalloc-minimal4 libprotobuf-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev
    # Install the app
    cargo install --locked --git

    NOTE: systemd configuration is different for cargo installation, see Validation section for more info.

How to use


For Debian installation:

# Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
# Or update to the latest stable version:
# rustup update stable

# Configure node
nodekeeper init

# Start services
sudo systemctl restart validator
sudo systemctl restart validator-manager
sudo systemctl restart validator-exporter
For cargo installation:

# Optionally configure root directory:
# export NODEKEEPER_ROOT=/var/nodekeeper
# Or explicitly specify it as a param, e.g.:
# nodekeeper --root /var/nodekeeper init

# Configure node
nodekeeper init

sudo $(which nodekeeper) init systemd

NOTE: Make sure you back up your keys after initial configuration!

All keys are stored at /var/nodekeeper/keys/ (or $HOME/.nodekeeper/keys/ by default for the cargo installation).

You can also configure different steps separately:

# Initialize only node configs
nodekeeper init node

# Initialize only contracts
nodekeeper init contracts

Updating the node:

nodekeeper init node --rebuild
sudo systemctl restart validator

Metrics exporter

# Metrics exporter as a server
nodekeeper exporter --addr

# Metrics exporter to the file
nodekeeper exporter --file /var/www/node_metrics.txt
Example metrics

collected_at 1669042606
node_ready 1
node_version_major 0
node_version_minor 51
node_version_patch 1
mc_seqno 155886
mc_time 1669042601
mc_time_diff 5
sc_time_diff 5
in_current_vset{adnl="d5af8f62c027774831aea3fe00d78fc78ed69f233d885382e72f9adefd8c4f05"} 1
in_next_vset 0

Seed generator

# Generate new seed
nodekeeper seed generate
#decline weapon swift luggage gorilla odor clown million leaf royal object movie

# Derive keypair from the seed
nodekeeper seed generate | nodekeeper seed derive
#  "public": "72e8cb80621c41a95da3a004139ceefa39e8709e7a8183ed9ad601ce9a13714d",
#  "secret": "435726770e17089f6c0b647f5ce7418ba6d07ca6b8c15d0c42e2379d1a09b6cc"

# Derive keypair from the secret
nodekeeper seed pubkey 435726770e17089f6c0b647f5ce7418ba6d07ca6b8c15d0c42e2379d1a09b6cc
#  "public": "72e8cb80621c41a95da3a004139ceefa39e8709e7a8183ed9ad601ce9a13714d",
#  "secret": "435726770e17089f6c0b647f5ce7418ba6d07ca6b8c15d0c42e2379d1a09b6cc"

Contract interaction

# Compute account address and stateinit
nodekeeper contract stateinit < ./path/to/Contract.tvc
#  "address": "0:1df86a0f06aec400d04719052e6a17dffadc09f915c5e35e959d37d59beb7ac3",
#  "tvc": "te6ccgICAQAAA...some long base64 encoded BOC...AxWw=="

# Execute getters locally
nodekeeper contract call \
    getParticipantInfo \
    '{"addr":"0:2f61300e70e2cdb5f96d3d7a0d60c70dfa515f89c3d4926e958b5eb147977469"}' \
    --addr '0:5325f4965e6388f97ae2578c19e8ffbc080f29d2357c5712d2a21d640dc10fb7' \
    --abi ./path/to/Contract.abi.json
#  "code": 0,
#  "output": {
#    "lockDonor": "0:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
#    "locks": [],
#    "reinvest": true,
#    "reward": "0",
#    "stakes": [],
#    "total": "0",
#    "vestingDonor": "0:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
#    "vestings": [],
#    "withdrawValue": "0"
#  }

# and others

Execute node commands

# Get config params
nodekeeper node getparam 14
#  "block_id": "-1:8000000000000000:156446:e6a099e43ba0e2a9b7b0d1e9b5207cef4e0e54c1dc2ea8811f0877ad78516bc0:fdca14025ba3b16b4286a561b7ade73f3e26a0224e9492cefc77b83ed649f37d",
#  "value": {
#    "basechain_block_fee": "073b9aca00",
#    "basechain_block_fee_dec": "1000000000",
#    "masterchain_block_fee": "076553f100",
#    "masterchain_block_fee_dec": "1700000000"
#  }

# Send message
nodekeeper node sendmessage < ./path/to/message.boc

# and others

All options

Usage: nodekeeper [--root <root>] <command> [<args>]

All-in-one node management tool.

  --root            path to the root directory
  --help            display usage information

  init              Prepares configs and binaries
  validator         Validation manager service
  contract          Contract interaction stuff
  exporter          Prometheus metrics exporter
  node              Raw node tools operations
  seed              Seed utils


  • I'm trying to participate in elections, but the node fails to generate keys with Error: Permission denied (os error 13)

    Answer: Ensure that the configs folder has correct permissions. This might help:

    sudo chown -hR nodekeeper /var/nodekeeper

How it works

This tool is a replacement of ever-node-tools and contains all the necessary functionality to manage a node. During initialization steps it prepares configs (at $HOME/.nodekeeper by default), downloads and builds the node, and deploys necessery contracts (all this through a cli with convenient choices!).

After contracts configuration this tool manages validator wallet (which is EVER Wallet contract) and optionally a DePool (default v3 or stEVER variant);

The update logic is based on two systemd services:

  • validator - the node itself;
  • validator-manager - service wrapper around nodekeeper validator command;

It uses two protocols to communicate with the node - the first one is for the control server (TCP ADNL), and the second is for other stuff (UDP ADNL, same as the protocol used by all nodes in the network).


We welcome contributions to the project! If you notice any issues or errors, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the License Apache.