Personal goals made open source.
Why? Spending the time to get shit done. I'm open sourcing these goals for accessibility across computers I use, transparency, accountability, and versioning.
- Finish Style Guide
- A/B Testing on LP
- Give my services some love and attention
- Get better at build setups (npm, nvm, gulp, bower, browser sync, compass), javascript, API latency, flexbox,, SASS and Git
- Learn about: containers, urban code, various server systems (local, hybrid, on-prem), softlayer, net promoter score, etc.
- Use emmet to move more quickly:
- Plan service onboarding
- Read Lean UX
- Read Continuous Delivery
- Find time for community - whether it's online or in person
- Smile more!
- Commit to one conference / training
- order LeanUX
- # for Safari books online
- Make outline of issues to still finish with style guide - needs design time and DO THE WORK.
- Make a list of courses on code school that I need to take.
- Make a list of terms I need to research for work
- Continue with component library research
- Set up build and record process - get singularity to work or ditch it for flexbox again
- Read this:
- Read this:
- Research
- Read LeanUX
- Read SASS for Web Designers
- Read Responsible Responsiveness
- Take one code school course
- Finish Style Guide
- Get a handle on services in our catalog (and which ones I own)
- Work on my fitness / nutrition tracking site
- Create yeoman generator
- Do a simple API tutorial
- Learn mixins/extends