Simple spamtrap script that integrates imap/pop3 downloading, and smtp sending for reporting to cisco, etc.
A spamtrap is an email address that has NO reasons to receive ANY email whatsoever. Thus, any email it receives, is most definitely UNWANTED.
That is the definition of spamtrap:
This python3 application can help you implement your own spamtrap system at your organization.
- IMAP to download unwanted email from spamtrap-account
- SMTP to forward unwanted emails to a third party service (RFC822 attach)
- Cisco IronPort integration (updates a dictionary on any number of SSH-authenticated IronPort servers, for blacklisting purposes)
- SpamAssassin integration (not really used, but the python3 module is quite useful so I just upload it here!)
- Configure
- Execute via cron or else
- ????
- Profit!
Spamtraps have vulnerabilities. If you rely on this tool for fully automated spamtrapping, YOU WILL SUFFER. Your organization will suffer, etc, etc, etc. This needs human intervention.
- CRITICAL: implement RFC 2047 decoding and better sender address determination
- Implement POP3 (well, yes, this is an inhouse solution and we use imap!)
- Fix and implement all that is documented in-code
- implement config file
- self-domain detection [good when an account gets taken]