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Encode and decode blah code

Demotime 🐰

As UMD module this runs almost everywhere [AMD (e.g RequireJS), CommonJS (Nodeland, browserify) and with good ol’ globals].

Uses ECMAScript 5.1 intensively. So you need es5-shim in case you want to use in old Browsers (IE < 9).


$ npm install --save blah-code

or even:

$ bower install --save blah-code


CommonJS example:

var blahCode = require('blah-code');

blahCode.encode('Hi there! What’s up?'); // → blaa bluh. blah bleh bluuh. […]

blahCode.decode('blaa bluh. blah bleh bluuh. blaah bluh. blah blah blehh. blah bleh bleeh. blah bleh blah. blah blah bleeh. blah bleh blah. blaah blaah. blaah bluh. blahh blaa. blah bleh bleeh. blee blaa. blah blah blehh. blahh bluh blah blaa. blah blah bluuh. blaah bluh. blah blah blaa. blah blah bluh. blehh blaah'); // -> hi there! whats up?

Global scope example:

<script src="blah-code.min.js"></script>
<script src="myFile.js"></script>
// myFile.js

blahCode.encode('Hi there! What’s up?'); // → blaa bluh. blah bleh bluuh. […]


Accepts a string and returns a string:


Returns the blah code representation of the given text:

blahCode.encode('Hi there! What’s up?');

There is an optional parameter that you can use to switch from blah-code to ape-code. Just use:

blahCode.encode('Hi there! What’s up?', 'ooks');


Returns regular text of the given blah code:

blahCode.decode('blaa bluh. blah bleh bluuh. blaah bluh.');

There is an optional parameter that you can use to switch from blah-code to ape-code. Just use:

blahCode.decode('Oook! Ook!. Ook? Ook Oook. Ook?! Ook!.', 'ooks');





MIT © Michael Kühnel