Important: This is not an official AWS service. This is a personal project by a single user.
textlint rule for AWS product Names.
This is a textlint rule to check for inconsistencies in AWS service and product names.
It detects inconsistencies as shown below (image shows usage with VSCode extension):
This project is heavily influenced by the following repository:
I would like to express my deep respect to @37108
who has been developing this mechanism since as early as 2019!
- Detect capitalization inconsistencies
- Detect missing spaces in service names that require them
->Security Hub
- Detect unnecessary spaces in service names that should not have them
Cloud Front
- Detect incorrect prefixes between
->Amazon EC2
Amazon Security Hub
->AWS Security Hub
Please refer to this file:
Install with npm:
npm install textlint-rule-aws-service-name
After installation, add the following to your .textlintrc.json
"rules": {
"aws-service-name": true
If you're using yml (yaml) format like .textlinrc.yml
, write it as follows:
aws-service-name: true
After installation, you can also run it via CLI as follows:
textlint --rule aws-service-name
After setting up textlintrc, please install the extension by referring to the article below:
As mentioned in the official textlint GitHub, errors will occur if the installation locations of textlint and the rules differ:
# NG
npm i -g textlint
npm i textlint-rule-aws-service-name --save-dev
# OK
npm i -g textlint
npm i -g textlint-rule-aws-service-name
Builds source codes for publish to the lib
You can write ES2015+ source codes in src/
yarn build
The following is a list of test files to be placed in their respective directories:
- The test/ directory places the files for testing the texlint rules in src/index.ts. (*index.ts)
- Test textlint rule by textlint-tester.
- specs/ directory places the tests for the processing group to generate the yml files for textlint rules under src/. (*spec.ts)
To test them, run the following command:
yarn test
# or npm run test
You can also test each test file by running the following:
# Run only the test files under specs/.
yarn jest
# or npm run jest
# run only test files under test/.
yarn testLint
# or npm run testLint
MIT © bun913