3D holografic fan remote controll for virtual pinball
I bought a kindly cheap 3D holografic fan from china.
It has a Handy-App for remote controlling it via Wifi.
There is also a Windows App for ending videos for it and controlling it.
But i wanted to control it directly from my virtual pinball cabinet.
The idea ist that if i am going to load up a specific pinball table the fan has to select the corresponding video for the table.
So if you going to load up the table "DarkPrinzess" a topper video is shown on the fan for ambiente purposes.
This small cluecode application is getting a pinball table and is than selection a corresponding pic / vid on the 3d holografic fan.
If you want to see it in action look here = https://youtu.be/gSEaMVhVHcs or here https://youtu.be/rK_Xfbv4QXQ
Or an update video with rom / pup events integration = https://youtu.be/YnqAcIEPP1M
You can add this to your PupPack Folder for VPX. It will then select a specific vid / pic on your fan for this table
I bought this device here: [AliExpress Link] (https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4000579865125.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.659e4c4dMc6T5K)
(Not available any more with this link)
But it seems kindly generic, so maybe it works also for other models
Original Software for App and Desktop came from here >> https://huangbanjin.gitee.io/bergerh/
this is needed if you want to have still internet for your cab
the fan is pushing a standard gateway to your wlan adapter via dhcp and this is a problem if you do have ethernet or a second wlan adapter up and running for internet acess. we need to get rid of the gateway from the fan
Just disable DHCP on the WLAN Chip and set it to manual
The Fan has the IP =
Your WLAN Dongle / Net should have the IP =
Your Subnet =
Your Subnetmask = Delete everything here
Change your setup accordingly and your internet will run like charm :)
The China Fan is quite a cheap product an the software is shit. Since the FAN is propagating a OPEN Wlan you have to connect to, you dont want to have this in yoour private network environment. I bought a cheap usb wlan dongle for my cab windows pc and attaced this dongle exclusivly to the FAN.
Configuration of FAN and Dongle is described below.
Yes, this is happening due to the FAN will propagate a public WLAN. Windows 10 will not connect automaticly to public wlan, even if autoconncet is enabled. See:
Source = https://appuals.com/windows-10-will-not-connect-to-wifi-automatically/
The files on the SD card of your fan have to be unique and identified by the program.
To avoid pitfalls, i recomend to go for a strict sort order.
The FAN itself trys to sort the filenames bitwhise and alphabeticly.
To keep a strict order i recommend to use 6 characters with numbers only.
Example = 000001.bin
Trailing zeros are neccassary due to bytewhise comparison.
Download the latest DLL File from = https://github.com/buzzibaer/FanPlugin.Wrapper/releases Put it into any folder you like (e.g. c:\FanPlugin)
Open up a cmd in admin mode
find RegAsm.exe from your latest .NET on your Computer
Go into your folder were your dll is. Open up a command shell command and register the DLL like:
''' C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe FanPlugin.Wrapper.dll /codebase '''
Download the Pupscript here = https://github.com/buzzibaer/FanPlugin.Wrapper/blob/main/pupscript/pupscript_js.pup
Put it in your PupPack Root Folder of your choise.
Edit the Script for the bin file you want to select on your fan.
configure evnets for changing videos
The easiest way is to have a look into the events from any Puppack.
There you can see what is already defined as events.
Get your information from there:
If you want to learn more about events of tables, you can always find them in Nailbusters documentation right here = https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=pup_capture
I made a little Standalone UI for testing the Fan without anything else but just the fan.
Have a look here >> https://github.com/buzzibaer/FanPlugin.Test/releases
With that you can experiment if the funktions work well.