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Fluentd parser plugin to parse envoy HTTP/TCP access logs for Fluentd and Google Cloud Logging


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Envoy http/tcp Parser Plugin for Fluentd


fluentd and google-fluentd parser plugin for Envoy Proxy Access Logs.

This is a simple plugin that just parses the default envoy access logs for both

  • envoy.http_connection_manager -> envoy.file_access_log
  • envoy.tcp_proxy -> envoy.file_access_log

For each format, this plugin also parses for two targets:

  • "normal" fluentd which prints logs 'as-is'
  • google-fluentd where the http_connection_manager access logs gets converted to httpRequest protocol format.

TODO: support arbitrary regex format (not just the default envoy http and tcp logs) TODO: support other envoy filters logs as available



Available on ruby gem

If you wnat to build from scratch:

gem build fluent-plugin-envoy-parser.gemspec

This will give you the fluent-plugin-envoy-parser-A.B.C.gem file to deploy

Start Envoy

First lets setup envoy on a target sytem

  • You can either run envoy in docker or extract the binary:

In the same folder as this repo, run:

   docker run -v `pwd`example/:/apps -p 10000:10000 envoyproxy/envoy -l info -v /var/log/envoy.log:/var/log/envoy.log -c /apps/envoy_config_http.yaml

At this point, you'll have envoy running on port 10000. The sample envoy config does nothing other an return the /robots.txt file from a particualr site.

If you would rather run envoy directly w/o docker on a target system, you can extract the binary from the dokcer image to your local system (eg. via a volume map). You can find the envoy binary inside the container at /usr/local/bin/envoy. For example, on linux:

docker run  envoyproxy/envoy

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
5642eabfb477        envoyproxy/envoy    "/docker-entrypoint.…"   26 seconds ago      Up 25 seconds       10000/tcp           epic_shtern

$ docker cp 5642eabfb477:/usr/local/bin/envoy .


Or on any environment, you can install remotely via

gem install fluent-plugin-envoy-parser

Target Installations

If you want to use this pluign-in on out of the box fluentd


First install fluentd (the command below is for xenial)

curl -L | sh
  • install this local (or remote) gem file:
sudo /usr/sbin/td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-envoy-parser


sudo /usr/sbin/td-agent-gem install --local fluent-plugin-envoy-parser-0.0.6.gem
  • copy a sample config provided in this repo and restart
cp fluentd_envoy_td.conf /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf

service td-agent restart
  • tail the log file
tail -f /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log


If you want to use this agent to track envoy.http_connection_manager, then edit /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf and set the log_format value as envoy_http:

    @type envoy
    log_format envoy_http

Then restart the td-agent.

If you then configure envoy to run the envoy_config_http.yaml, send some traffic in directly like

curl -H "Host:" http://localhost:10000/robots.txt

the on the td-agent.log file you should see:

2019-01-06 04:59:12.000000000 +0000 envoy-access: {"protocol":"HTTP/1.1","response_flags":"-","x_envoy_upstream_service_time":"11","x_forwarded_for":null,"authority":"","upstream_host":"","httpRequest":{"requestMethod":"GET","requestUrl":"/robots.txt","responseSize":945,"status":200,"userAgent":"curl/7.52.1","requestSize":0,"latency":"0.011s"}}


To use fluentd to parse TCP traffic, just set /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf log_format value as envoy_tcp:

and restart fluentd and envoy as well to use envoy_config_tcp.yaml for the envoy configuration.

the on the td-agent.log file you should see:

2019-01-06 05:00:45.000000000 +0000 envoy-access: {"bytes_received":85,"bytes_sent":1408,"duration":"0.056s","upstream_host":""}

note, the output format only shows raw TCP stats as intended.


Google Fluentd extends Fluentd to emit structured logs to GCP from a variety of sources. To set this up, you can either run the google agent on a GCP VM or on any other platform. The example provided below is just for a GCE VM:


First install the agent on a VM:

    curl -sSO ""
    bash --structured
  • install the .gem:
/opt/google-fluentd/embedded/bin/gem install fluent-plugin-envoy-parser


/opt/google-fluentd/embedded/bin/gem install --local fluent-plugin-envoy-parser-0.0.6.gem
  • Copy the fluentd configuration needed for default http over and restart
cp fluentd_envoy_google.conf /etc/google-fluentd/config.d/envoy.conf

service google-fluentd restart


If you started google-fluentd with log_format value as envoy_http mode and have envoy running in ths same, if you end traffic in:

curl -H "Host:" http://localhost:10000/robots.txt

You should see structured logs in GCP:

By structured, notice the httpRequst prtocol buffer is populated in the logs"

  • images/google-log-http.png


For generic tcp traffic, reset the log_format to envoy_tcp

    @type envoy
    log_format envoy_tcp

and restart envoy with the config envoy_config_tcp.yaml

Once you send any traffic in (i'm using http here)

curl -H "Host:" http://localhost:10000/robots.txt

You will see genreic traffic describing the connection:

  • images/google-log-tcp.png


Record-Transformer to httpRequest.proto

The section that converts the log message to a protocol buffer is shown below

<filter envoy-access>
  @type record_transformer
  enable_ruby true
    httpRequest ${ {"requestMethod" => record['method'], "requestUrl" => record['path'], "responseSize" => record['bytes_sent'], "status" => record['response_code'], "userAgent" => record['user_agent'], "requestSize" => record["bytes_received"], "latency" => record["duration"]  } }
  remove_keys method, path, bytes_sent, response_code, user_agent, bytes_received, duration

Unit Test

$ ruby test/plugin/test_envoy_parser.rb 
Loaded suite test/plugin/test_envoy_parser

Finished in 0.002271504 seconds.
2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
100% passed
880.47 tests/s, 880.47 assertions/s


Fluentd parser plugin to parse envoy HTTP/TCP access logs for Fluentd and Google Cloud Logging







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