go-alone is a Go package that provides
- Methods to create and verify MAC signatures of data
- Ability to add timestamps to signed tokens and use custom epoch if needed.
- BLAKE2b signatures and Base58 time encoding provides outstanding performance and security.
- A very simple to use API with good documentation and 100% test coverage.
- Various helper methods for parsing tokens
For more information, please read the wiki
For help with this package or general Go discussion, please join the Discord Gophers chat server.
For a fast and easy to use snowflake ID library, check out this
This assumes you already have a working Go environment, if not please see this page first.
go get github.com/bwmarrin/go-alone
Here's a basic example below. There is also an example program in the example folder that demonstrates a few more ways of using Go-Alone. You can read the API documentation on GoDoc.
package main
import (
func main() {
// This secret is used as the hash key for the signer.
var secret = []byte("It's a secret to everybody")
// This data is what we will be signing below.
var data = []byte("It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.")
// Create a new Signer using our secret
s := goalone.New(secret)
// Sign and return a token in the form of `data.signature`
token := s.Sign(data)
// Unsign the token to verify it - if successful the data portion of the
// token is returned. If unsuccessful then d will be nil, and an error
// is returned.
d, err := s.Unsign(token)
if err != nil {
// signature is not valid. Token was tampered with, forged, or maybe it's
// not even a token at all! Either way, it's not safe to use it.
} else {
// signature is valid, it is safe to use the data
To run the tests and benchmarks, use the following command.
go test -bench=. -v