Scheduled Tasks written in a DSL for ease-of-use.
This is a Powershell module that provides a DSL structure for creating Scheduled Tasks on a Windows server.
The structure of the DSL is laid out much like the GUI for creating a task, here is an example
ScheduledTask "SyncFolders" {
User = John.Smith
Description = "Syncronizes two folders w/ robocopy."
Hidden = $false
Security -RunOnlyWhenLoggedOn -RunAlways -StorePassword {
Credential = Import-Clixml -Path C:\Cred.xml
Trigger -OnASchedule -Weekly -SyncTimezones {
StartTime = [DateTime]"11/21/2018 18:00:00"
Recurrence = 2 #Days/Weeks - Depending on use of -Daily or -Weekly
WeekDays = "Monday", "Wednesday", "Friday"
Trigger -OnASchedule -Monthly -SyncTimezones {
StartTime = [DateTime]"11/21/2018 18:00:00"
Recurrence = 2 #Days/Weeks - Depending on use of -Daily or -Weekly
Months = "January", "April", "July", "October"
Weeks = "First", "Fourth", "Last"
WeekDays = "Monday", "Wednesday", "Friday"
Action Powershell {
ScriptPath = "C:\PSScripts\SyncFolder.ps1"
Arguments = "-Source 'C:\Source' -Destination 'C:\Destination' -Mirror:$true"
The switches for the Security keyword are:
Value | Description |
RunWhenLoggedOn |
Run this task only when the user is logged into the machine. |
RunAlways |
Run the task regardless if the user is logged in. (If the task is executing against remote resources, it will require a username and password to be stored, use `-StorePassword parameter, along with a credential object inside the scriptblock.) |
StorePassword |
Stores the username/password to impersonate when the task executes. Allowing non-local resources to be used in the script (i.e. Make a call to a website/DB/Rest-API/etc..., perform PSRemoting execution, use WMI/CIM session on a remote system, You get the idea!) |
The switches for the Trigger keyword are:
Value | Description |
OnASchedule |
Run the task at a scheduled interval. (Additional parameters include: -OneTime | -Daily | -Weekly | -Monthly and [ -SyncTimezones ] ) |
AtLogOn |
Run the task when a user logs into the system. |
AtStartup |
Run the task when the system boots into Windows. |
OnIdle |
Run the task during idle periods (TODO: Add more details to this trigger.) |
OnEvent |
Run the task when a specific event is logged in the event log. |
OnCreateEdit |
Run the task upon creation or modification of this task. |
OnConnection |
Run the task when any user or a specific user connects locally or from a remote system. ( Additional parameters include [ -AnyUser | -Username ] and [ -RemoteConnection | -LocalConnection ]) |
OnDisconnect |
Run the task when any user or a specific user disconnects locally or from a remote system. ( Additional parameters include [ -AnyUser | -Username ] and [ -RemoteConnection | -LocalConnection ]) |
OnLock |
Run the task when any user or a specific user locks their desktop. ( Additional parameters include [ -AnyUser | -Username ]) |
-OnUnlock |
Run the task when any user or a specific user unlocks their desktop. ( Additional parameters include [ -AnyUser | -Username ]) |
The parameters included in the scriptblock include:
Key | Values | Trigger (Switch) | Switch | Description |
StartTime | Any valid [datetime] |
All Triggers | All switches | A time/date for the task to begin running. |
Recurrence | 1-999 | -OnASchedule |
-Daily or -Weekly |
Specifies the number of days or weeks for each recurrence. (TODO: Test upper bounds of this value.) |
WeekDays | Array of strings: Sunday-Saturday | -OnASchedule |
-Weekly or -Monthly |
An array of week days for the task to execute upon each recurrence. Example: Every 2 weeks, execute on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. |
Months | Array of strings: January-December | -OnASchedule |
-Monthly |
An array of months for the task to execute. |
Weeks | Array of strings: First-Fourth and Last | -OnASchedule |
-Monthly |
An array of the week number for the task to execute. |
This keyword performs an action for the task.
The switches for the Action keyword are:
Value | Description |
Powershell | Executes a Powershell script. Expects a .ps1 file that can require parameters as arguments. |
Cmd | Executes a .bat or .vbs script. |