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Active development of the upcoming bot for the TAS Competition server. (Server ID: 397082495423741953)

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This is a discord bot meant to help automate SM64 TAS Competitions by handling submissions, scores, and much much more!

Join the SM64 TASing server to keep up to date on the latest competitions:

Running the Bot

Assuming you have a bot application and Node.js (Note: there is a runtime deprication warning on node v21 or higher), download the files for this repository, then install the dependencies by opening a command prompt in the folder containing this readme and running npm i. If you have build errors try downloading the Visual Studio Community 2017 Node.js build tools and running npm i --msvs_version=2017.

Next, rename bot.js.template and saves_template to bot.js and saves, respectively, put your token in bot.js and run node ./bot-files/main.js ./bot.js to start the bot! Any user ids in the list of "Owner_IDs" will be able to use all of the commands, so make sure to add yours.

Then, change the channel IDs under saves/channels.json to ones the bot has access to. The bot will send a welcome message and be usable from those channels, so verify that these are correct.

The encoding command also requires providing paths to a mupen executable, as well as a rom folder containing roms in saves/m64.json. Note that roms must not contain spaces in their filenames and should use underscores (Super Mario 64 (USA).z64 -> Super_Mario_64_(USA).z64) instead.

It's possible to run multiple bots from the same code by creating a new file with the same format as bot.js but with a different token. To keep their saves separate make sure to change the saves path.

For voice support you need ffmpeg on your PATH environment variable.

To enable updates: install git. Additionally, for Windows Users: change "/" to "\" on line 20 & 35 in start.js. This is because filepaths are hardcoded for linux.

For all the M64 commands to work there are some important Mupen64-rr settings to set:

  • Silent mode: On (Prevents popup windows from preventing the emulator from closing)
  • Keep Working Directory: On (allows running locally-stored TAS files with relative directories)
  • Core Type: Pure Interpreter
  • open a game and capture a video recording once, and set the codec to something that is not Uncompressed Frames. Then Make sure to copy avi.cfg to the folder of this project


All of the available functions are documented within the bot. Run it and type $help for more info. Here is an overview of some key functionality:

When a competition is running, the bot will collect and store information on the submissions from the competitors. This makes it easy to get all of the files at once and to see how many people have entered. You can set up a list of "hosts" who will receive competition updates such as when someone new enters, when files are updated, or if someone's run has been timed. All of these notifications can be toggled for the individual hosts (IE someone can choose to see new submissions but not when any files are updated).

It can automatically create the properly formatted results which, when posted, can be automatically converted into a running score during the competition. When people manually make the results there are often slight errors in spelling which can mess up the score. This is typically avoided when the bot generates the results itself, but in the event that something in the score is incorrect, there are many functions to help remedy that.

Announcements! The bot can schedule announcements in a specific channel with a specific message. These can also be repeated on a given interval (daily, weekly, etc.). It can even be used to DM you a reminder for something.

It's possible to remotely restart the bot, and have it download the latest files from this repository. This is useful if you're not in a position to ssh into a host server.

There is also a permissions system to give people access to all the bot commands. You can either add individual people or allow all the commands within a set of specified channels.

All data (such as submitted files, scheduled announcements, etc.) is saved locally in json files so if it ever cashes, no data will be lost.

$slots is the #1 most used command by far. Try it. You will become addicted.

Future Development

This project is always evolving and there are always new feature requests, but here is a current list of things I plan to implement:

  • include all mupen settings that are required
  • test interface
  • silent bans
  • voice queue
  • global handle for messages over 2000 characters
  • choose which files to update on restart
  • automatically load all files in bot-files directory

Low priority:

  • generalize prefix
  • refactor score for consistent formatting
  • fix brainfuck compiler TLE


Active development of the upcoming bot for the TAS Competition server. (Server ID: 397082495423741953)






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