Code that helps organize the labs' projects and present them nicely
The showcase is the first box of C4DT's Factory. Its purpose is to help labs at the IC faculty to present their most interesting projects to potential industrial customers.
The information regarding the IC labs and their projects is organized in YAML files as follows:
├── labs.yaml
├── LAB1
│ └── projects.yaml
├── LAB2
│ └── projects.yaml
├── ...
contains the information on all the labs, each one indexed by an ID.- Each
, located in a subdirectory named after a lab ID, contains the information on that lab's projects.
The information is presented to the user via a small bottle application.
A summary of the different entries found in the yaml structure. All text to be changed is written
in (brackets)
name: (short name)
description: >
(Short description, will be shown under the name)
type: ( "Application" | "Library" | "Framework" | "Toolset" | "Simulation" | "Experiments" | "Hands-on" )
categories: ( "Privacy" | "Blockchain" | "Verification" | "Security" |
"Learning" | "Other" )
applications: ( "Finance" | "Health" | "Gov" | "Infra" | "Info" | "Other" )
- (Add tags, if possible out of the existing ones)
date_added: (YYYY-MM-DD)
layman_desc: >
(A 2-3 sentence description for somebody with general knowledge)
tech_desc: >
(A more detailed description in 2-3 sentences for somebody knowledgeable in the subject)
notes: (Additional description)
url: (URL for a home page)
- name: (Full Name)
email: (
type: (Lab Github, Personal Gihub, zip files, ...)
url: (https://...)
date_last_commit: (YYYY-MM-DD)
doc: (url to documentation)
lines_of_code: (# of codelines)
c4dt_contact: (Email of a special contact, defaults to
language: (What the majority of the code is written in)
license: (BSD, GPL 3+, MPL 2+, Apache, ...)
information: (zero or more of:)
- type: (Paper | Video | Article | Blog Post | Demo | Web Page | Documentation)
title: (Short title)
url: (https:.. - for papers, don't use arxiv, but the conference link)
notes: (this is optional)
- label: (what will be shown in front of the note)
text: (the text of the note)
url: (the URL for the <a> tag)
maturity: (1|2|3)
work: (What C4DT did for the project)
type: ( Demo | Hands-on | Pilot | App | OSS-participation)
url: (https://...)
title: (Description of this product)
date_updated: (YYYY-MM-DD)
Ensure you have the required tools to create Python virtual environments. You can either install the dependencies in a virtual environment, or use devbox.
You might need to install a specific package depending on your distribution,
e.g. on Debian python3-venv
$ sudo apt install python3-venv
Install devbox from, then run:
devbox shell --pure
Simply run make
$ make
This will create a Python virtual environment, activate it, install the dependencies and run the showcase application.
The application listens by default on port 8080 in the path showcase
point your browser to http://localhost:8080/showcase.
$ make test
Assuming $APP_PATH
is the directory containing the application,
the following must be setup on the server (see also the mod_wsgi docs:
Clone the repository:
$ cd $APP_PATH && git clone
Create the Python virtual environment and install the dependencies:
$ cd showcase
$ make env
Configure an Apache virtual host for the app, containing in particular:
WSGIDaemonProcess showcase user=showcase group=showcase processes=1 threads=5 python-home=$APP_PATH/showcase/venv
WSGIScriptAlias / $APP_PATH/showcase/app.wsgi
<Directory $APP_PATH/showcase>
WSGIProcessGroup showcase
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
Require all granted
Restart Apache:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
When checking the links, you can use LinkChecker to
scan all links from the showcase.
The configuration file ./linkcheckerrc helps to clean up
the result page of a linkchecker run.
You can get the links to the project of a lab with the
make env
. ./venv/bin/activate
This will print out a list of all available labs. Launch the showcase:
make showcase &
Now you can launch linkchecker on all pages from a given lab:
For a list of available labs:
Checking a given lab:
This will also check the links of the external websites.
To contribute to this repository, please install the pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
This will run the linter before committing. If you already committed, you can run it like this:
pre-commit run --all