Caffeinated SEO aids in the management and generation of SEO metadata for your Laravel 5 application.
You will find user friendly and up to date documentation in the wiki here: Caffeinated SEO Wiki
Begin by installing the package through Composer. Depending on what version of Laravel you are using (5.0 or 5.1), you'll want to pull in the ~1.0
or ~2.0
release, respectively:
composer require caffeinated/seo=~1.0
composer require caffeinated/seo=~2.0
Once this operation is complete, simply add both the service provider and facade classes to your project's config/app.php
'Meta' => 'Caffeinated\SEO\Facades\Metadata',
'Meta' => Caffeinated\SEO\Facades\Metadata::class,
And that's it! With your coffee in reach, start building up your SEO!