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Implementation of the semi-structured inference model in our ACL 2020 paper. INFOTABS: Inference on Tables as Semi-structured Data


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Implementation of the semi-structured inference model in our ACL 2020 paper: INFOTABS: Inference on Tables as Semi-structured Data. To explore the dataset online visit project page.

      author    = {Gupta, Vivek and Mehta, Maitrey and Nokhiz, Pegah and Srikumar, Vivek},
      title     = {INFOTABS: Inference on Tables as Semi-structured Data},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
      year      = {2020}

Below are the details about the INFOTABS dataset and scripts for reproducing the results reported in the ACL 2020 paper.

0. Prerequisites

Have the following installed:

python 3.6+
pytorch 1.2.0
huggingface transformers
spacy 2.0.11 with en model
nltk with punkt, stopwords

Downloaded and unpacked the INFOTABS datasets into ./data in the main infotabs-code folder.

Carefully read the LICENCE and the Datasheet for non-academic usage.

After downloading, you have multiple sub-folders with several csv/tsv/html files. Each csv/tsv file in the sub-folders has 1st rows as a header:

├── annotation_info
│   ├── annoations_stats
│   │   ├── creators.tsv 					# amazon mturk annotator statistics (data annotators)
│   │   └── validation.tsv 					# amazon mturk annotator statistics (data validators)
│   └── templates
│       ├── annotation-template1.html 				# annotation template example 1 
│       ├── annotation-template2.html 				# annotation template example 2 
│       ├── annotation-template3.html 				# annotation template example 3 
│       ├── annotation-template4.html 				# annotation template example 4 
│       └── validation-template.html 				# validation template
├── maindata							# primary infotabs dataset folder
│   ├── infotabs_dev.tsv 					# development datasplit
│   ├── infotabs_test_alpha1.tsv 				# test alpha1 datasplit
│   ├── infotabs_test_alpha2.tsv 				# test alpha2 datasplit
│   ├── infotabs_test_alpha3.tsv 				# test alpha3 datasplit
│   └── infotabs_train.tsv 					# training dataset
├── reasoning 							# reasoning statistic folder
│   ├── infotabs_dev.tsv 					# reasoning on subset of development datasplit
│   └── infotabs_test_alpha3.tsv 				# reasoning on subset of alpha3 datasplit
├── tables 							# tables folder
│   ├── html 							# tables premises in html format
│   │   ├── T0.html
│   │   ├── T1000.html
│   │   ├── T1001.html
│   │   ├── T998.html
│   │   ├── T999.html
│   │   ├── T99.html
│   │   └── T9.html
│   │
│   ├── json							# tables premises in json format
│   │   ├── T0.json
│   │   ├── T1000.json
│   │   ├── T1001.json
│   │   ├── T1002.json
│   │   ├── T999.json
│   │   ├── T99.json
│   │   └── T9.json
│   └── table_categories.tsv 					# table categories
├── validation 							# validation annotations folder
│   ├── infotabs_valid_dev.tsv 					# validation annotations develement dataset
│   ├── infotabs_valid_test_alpha1.tsv 				# alpha1 annotations develement datasplit
│   ├── infotabs_valid_test_alpha2.tsv 				# alpha2 annotations develement datasplit
│   └── infotabs_valid_test_alpha3.tsv 				# alpha3 annotations develement datasplit
└── LICENSE, Datasheet,, logo				#license,datasheet,dataset readme, logo files.

1. Training and Prediction with linerSVM

data/maindata/ and data/tables/ will be the primary datasets to work on here.

1.1 Preprocessing

Preprocessing is separated into the following steps.

First extract something out of the json files. Assume the data is downloaded and unpacked into data/maindata/

cd scripts
mkdir ./../../temp
mkdir ./../../temp/data/
mkdir ./../../temp/data/parapremise
python3 --json_dir ./../../data/tables/json/ --data_dir ./../../data/maindata/ --save_dir ./../../temp/data/parapremise/

You would see a temp/data/ folder. temp/data/ will contain sub-folders for several premise types. For example,

└── parapremise 						# paragraph as premise
    ├── dev.tsv 						# development datasplit
    ├── test_alpha1.tsv 					# test alpha1 datasplit
    ├── test_alpha2.tsv 					# test alpha2 datasplit
    ├── test_alpha3.tsv 					# test alpha3 datasplit
    └── train.tsv 						# training datasplit

1.2 Convert to SVM format

Then batch examples and vectorize them:

cd ../svm
mkdir ./../../temp/svmformat
mkdir ./../../temp/svmformat/hypo
mkdir ./../../temp/svmformat/union 						
python 					#only hypothesis unigram-bigram tokens as features
python 				#union of premise and hypothesis unigram-bigram tokens as features

Your temp/svmformat/ will contain sub-folders for the premise type (hypo, union). For example,

├── dev.txt 							# development datasplit
├── test_alpha1.txt 						# test alpha1 datasplit
├── test_alpha2.txt 						# test alpha2 datasplit
├── test_alpha3.txt 						# test alpha3 datasplit
└── train.txt 							# training datasplit

1.3 Training and Prediction

For training and prediction on the SVM baseline download and install the liblinear library in scripts/svm. Use the appropiate directiory in ./../../temp/svmformat/ from either union or hypo for training and prediction. For example,

cd liblinear
./train -C ./../../temp/svmformat/union/train.txt
./train -c <best_c_value> ../svmformat/format/union/train.txt 	# <best_c_value> is the number obtained from last the iteration
./predict ../svmformat/union/test_dev.txt train.txt.model output_dev.txt
./predict ../svmformat/union/test_alpha1.txt train.txt.model output_test_alpha1.txt
./predict ../svmformat/union/test_alpha2.txt train.txt.model output_test_alpha2.txt
./predict ../svmformat/union/test_alpha3.txt train.txt.model output_test_alpha3.txt

train.txt.model is the train model. output_<split_name>.txt is the prediction for the mentioned split.

2. Training and Prediction with RoBERTa

data/maindata/ and data/tables/ will be the primary datasets to work on here.

2.1 Preprocessing

Preprocessing is separated into the following steps.

First extract something out of the json files. Assume the data is downloaded and unpacked into data/maindata/

cd scripts
mkdir ./../../temp
mkdir ./../../temp/data/
bash 						# comment premise types as needed

You would see a temp/data/ folder. temp/data/ will contain sub-folders for several premise types. For example,

└── parapremise 						# paragraph as premise
    ├── dev.tsv 						# development datasplit
    ├── test_alpha1.tsv 					# test alpha1 datasplit
    ├── test_alpha2.tsv 					# test alpha2 datasplit
    ├── test_alpha3.tsv 					# test alpha3 datasplit
    └── train.tsv 						# training datasplit

2.2 Vectorizing

Then batch examples and vectorize them:

cd ../roberta
mkdir ./../../temp/processed 						
bash 					# comment premise types as needed

You would see a temp/processed/ folder. temp/processed/ will contain sub-folders for several premise types. For example,

└── parapremise 						# paragraph as premise
    ├── dev.pkl 						# development datasplit
    ├── test_alpha1.pkl 					# test alpha1 datasplit
    ├── test_alpha2.pkl 					# test alpha2 datasplit
    ├── test_alpha3.pkl 					# test alpha3 datasplit
    └── train.pkl 						# training datasplit

2.3 Training and Prediction

For training and prediction on the RoBERTa baseline look at the .\scripts\roberta\

example argument in train_classifier

python3 \
	--mode "train" \
	--epochs 10 \
	--batch_size 8 \
	--in_dir "./../../temp/processed/parapremise/" \
	--embed_size 1024 \
	--model_dir "./../../temp/models/parapremise1/" \
	--model_name "model_6_0.7683333333333333" \
	--save_dir "./../../temp/models/" \
	--save_folder "parapremise1/" \
	--nooflabels 3 \
	--save_enable 0 \
	--eval_splits dev test_alpha1\
	--seed 13 \
	--parallel 0

important argument details which could be reset as needed for training and prediction

-- mode: set "train" for training, set "test" for prediction
-- epochs: set training epochs number (only used while training, i.e., model is "train")
-- batch_size: set batch size for training (only used while training)
-- in_dir: set as preprocessed directory name, i.e., a folder named in temp/processed/ . Use this for setting the appropriate premise type. (only used while training, i.e., model is "train") 
-- embed_size: set embedding size, i.e., (768/1024). Use 768 for Bert-small and 1024 for Bert-Large.
-- model_dir: use the model directory containing the train model (only used while prediction, i.e., model is "test")
-- model_name: model finename usually is in format 'model_<batch_number>_<dev_accuracy>' (only used while prediction, i.e., model is "test")
-- save_folder: name the primary models directory appropriately as ./../.../temp/models/ (only used while training i.e., model is "train")
-- save_dir: name the primary models directory appropriately, usually same as the in_dir final directory (only used while training, i.e., model is "train")
-- nooflabels: set as 3 as three labels entailment, neutral and contradiction)
-- save_enable: set as 1 to save prediction files as predict_<datsetname>.json in model_dir. json contains accuracy, predicted label and gold label (in the same sequence order as the dataset set tsv in temp/data/)  (only used while prediction, i.e., model is "test")
-- eval-splits: ' '  separated datasplits names [dev, test_alpha1, test_alpha2, test_alpha3] (only used while prediction, i.e., model is "test")
-- seed: set a particular seed
-- parallel:  for a single GPU, 1 for multiple GPUs (used when training large data, use the same flag at both predictions and train time)

After training you would see a temp/models/ folder. temp/models/ will contain sub-folders for several premise types. Furthermore, prediction would create predict_<split>.json files. For example,

└── parapremise 						# paragraph as premise
    ├── model_<epoch_no>_<dev_accuracy> 			# save models after every prediction
    ├── scores_<epoch_no>_dev.json  				# development prediction json results
    ├── scores_<epoch_no>_test.json				# test alpha2 prediction json results
    └── predict_<split>.json 					# prediction json (when predicting with argument "-- save_enable" set to 1)

For prediction on INFOTABS with SNLI and MNLI datasets train RoBerta models. Do the following

1. download pre-train snli/mnli models and put them in ```temp/models/``` under snli/mnli folders
2. modify the arguments "-- mode" t0 "test", "moder_dir" to "./../../temp/models/snli/" for snli and  "moder_dir" to "./../../temp/models/mnli/" for mnli, "model_name" is set to appropriate downloaded model name for snli/mnli, "parallel" to 0/1 as per earlier instructions, "in_dir" as per premise type in

For evaluation on metrics other than accuracy, such as F1-score, use the scikit-learn metrics functions with arguments as "predict" and "gold" lists from the predicted jsons.

3. mturk Validation

data/validation/ will be the primary dataset to work on here.

mkdir ./../../temp/validation/
mkdir ./../../temp/validation/plots

You would see a temp/validation/ folder created with the following structure

├── metric_summary.txt 				# summary of all the inter-annotator results, i.e., individual agreements (majority/gold) and the Kappa values
└── plots 					# plots of percentage of number of gold and majority label agreements matches for 3,4, and 5 annotators agreements
    ├── dev.png 				# plot for dev splits
    ├── test_alpha1.png 			# plot for alpha1 splits
    ├── test_alpha2.png 			# plot for alpha2 splits
    └── test_alpha3.png 			# plot for alpha3 splits

4. Statistics

data/maindata/, data/tables/ and data/reasoning/ will be the primary datasets to work on here.

4.1 General Statistics

data/maindata/ and data/tables/ will be the primary datasets to work on here.

mkdir ./../../temp/statistic
python3 > ./../../temp/statistic/general-statitics.txt			# output general statistics

4.2 Reasoning Statistics

data/reasoning/ and data/tables/ will be the primary datasets to work on here.

We need to first get predictions on the reasoning subset before running

# perform preprocessing as in section 1.1

cd scripts
mkdir ./../../temp
mkdir ./../../temp/data/
mkdir ./../../temp/data/reasoning
python3 --json_dir ./../../data/tables/json/ --data_dir ./../../data/reasoning/ --save_dir ./../../temp/data/reasoning/  --splits dev test_alpha3

# perform vectorizing as in section 1.2
mkdir ./../../temp/processed
python3 --max_len 512 --data_dir ./../../temp/data/ --in_dir reasoning --out_dir ../processed/reasoning --single_sentence 0 --splits dev test_alpha3

# do prediction by using the best train model on premises as in section 1.3
set the arguments as 'in_dir' as "./../../temp/processed/parapremise/" and other parameters as "-- mode" t0 "test", "moder_dir" to "./../../temp/models/parapremise/", "model_name" is set to the best dev accuracy model name for ```temp/models/parapremise```, "parallel" to 0/1 similar to earlier instructions in

You will see a new ./../../temp/models/reasoning/ with files as predict_dev.json and predict_test_alpha3.json which is similar to earlier discussed prediction files. You can now run the reasoning statistics code as following:

mkdir ./../../temp/statistic
python3 > ./../../temp/statistic/reasoning-statitics.txt			# output general statistics


1. Table extractor, table-splitter, table2json code (optional mention than manula cleaning was performed)
2. Datasheet addition (currently empty sheet)


Implementation of the semi-structured inference model in our ACL 2020 paper. INFOTABS: Inference on Tables as Semi-structured Data







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