- Install Flutter SDK
- Dart SDK comes with the Flutter SDK
- Android Studio or XCode or VS Code
- Install Flutter plugin from marketplace
- android - native android project, build gradle, etc
- ios - native iOS project,
- lib - dart and flutter code
- test - test files
- pubspec.yaml
- Where your dart files live
- main.dart
- dependency management
- app version
- buildName: 1.0.0
- buildNumber: 1
- Flutter sdk version
- dependencies
- pub dev
- flutter doctor - clean
- flutter pub get - fetch dependencies
- flutter pub upgrade - update dependencies to latest version
Has state object
setState(() {})
- build method is run every time setState is called
- like render in Reactjs
- initialises state prior to building the widget
- No state
- All fields are final
- Just used to render a view
Layout widgets
- Have one child
- Center - positions child in center of parent
- SizedBox - Specify the size of the widget
- Padding - Can wrap any widget in Padding
- Have children
- Column - Vertical and takes a list of any type of widget
- Row - Same but horizontal
- Stack - Almost like a relative layout, place things on top of each other
- Have one child
- Columns are VERTICAL so main axis will be VERTICAL
- Rows are HORIZONTAL so main axis is HORIZONTAL
- Your App widget takes a routes field
- Define the routes/widgets/screens for your app
- Navigator.of(context).pushNamed("routeName")
- Navigator.pop()
http.get(path, {"Authorisation":"Basic nduewief="})
http.post(path, {"field1":"value1:}, {"Authorisation":"Basic nduewief="})
decodeJson() as Class
- UpperCamelCase (Classes, Extensions)
- lowerCamelCase (consts, variables, method names)
- lowercase_with_underscores (Dart files)
- image assets
- assets folder on root
- pubspec.yaml: assets: - assets/bdcs-logo.png
- ImageAsset("assets/bdcs-logo.png")