Although this was initially , a udemy course but the design pattern and use of technology differs as well as the number of added feature both at the backend and frontend
Technologies used:
- ExpressJS
- Javascript
- Monogdb
- Redis
The project folder directory is divided into
- api = this is virtually the REST API that does all heavy lifting
- client-app = this provides a sample of what could be done via a website
To run the project , You should clone it and ensure you have mongodb , redis installed and running on their port 27017 and 6378
To run the application
- Running the app: Navigate into the root directory and run
yarn add && yarn run start
Taking a good look on how to implement stripe payment integration with an application and also ensuring the authentication and authorization is sure
First, Users # and then can start viewing tours that potentially interesting , if this suits their needs they can go ahead and buy it.
Due to the fact that I will be quite busy with my academics . I hope to complete the user dashboard feature , connect the chatbot with the already implement NPL backend interface for the bot
The team that worked on this project consists of
- Adewole Caleb - Backend & Front.