This is a command line Java app to find duplicate files on your computer.
Well, there you go then.
Yes, probably, but I'm lazy.
You can either build the application from source, or download a pre-compiled version.
To build from source, you need Git, a Java JDK, and Maven:
git clone
mvn assembly:single
java -jar target/finddups-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar 1000000 /home /tmp
To just run the supplied version (might be a little out of date):
java -jar finddups-0.0.1.jar 1000000 /home /tmp
- First, it recurses the given directory/ies, building a list of files.
- Then, it looks for files which have identically sized files.
- It then reads those identically sized files, comparing them byte for byte until it finds a byte that doesn't match, or it reaches the end of the file.
The app outputs its errors to stderr, and its results to stdout as it goes.
I chose not to use any kind of hashing or CRC system, as that would require reading the entire file, which would be less efficient if a byte near the beginning was different.
Any suggestions/comments to my github username at
I have only tested this on Linux, with Java 6, 7 and 8.