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Example Application

Get the Code

Create a local Git clone:

git clone

Open in IntelliJ IDEA

To import the project into IntelliJ IDEA simply open the top-level build.gradle file and follow the instructions to import the project.

If you use the IntelliJ compiler then you should enable annotation processing under the "Build, Execution, Deployment → Compiler → Annotation Processors" by ticking the "Enable annotation processing" checkbox.

Run the Example Application

IntelliJ IDEA

To run the application in IntelliJ IDEA simply expand the sub-module micronaut-camunda-bpm-example and start info.novatec.micronaut.camunda.bpm.example.Application.

Unix/Mac Console

To run the application in a console on Unix/Mac:

./gradlew clean run -p micronaut-camunda-bpm-example

Windows Command Line

To run the application in a Windows command line:

gradlew.bat clean run -p micronaut-camunda-bpm-example


To run the application in Docker:

./gradlew clean dockerBuild -p micronaut-camunda-bpm-example
docker run -p 8080:8080 micronaut-camunda-bpm-example:latest

Using the Example Application

Two simple processes are deployed automatically.

The Camunda Cockpit is available at http://localhost:8080/. Login with admin/admin.

The Camunda REST API is available at the context path /engine-rest, e.g. GET http://localhost:8080/engine-rest/engine.

The following HTTP endpoints have been implemented as examples:

  • GET http://localhost:8080/example/name will return "default" as the name of the default process engine.
  • GET http://localhost:8080/example/definitions will return "HelloWorld,Onboarding" as the currently deployed process models.
  • POST http://localhost:8080/example/onboarding/cancel/OnStartup can be called to cancel an Onboarding instance by the business key "OnStartup". Further calls will fail (unless a new process instance is created manually via the Tasklist with the menu item "Start process").

Persistent Database

By default, the example app will use an H2 in-memory database which is created on application start-up. If you need a persistent database then the easiest approach is to configure the H2 database to be backed up by a file by configuring the data source's URL:

datasources.default.url: jdbc:h2:file:~/micronautdb;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE

To reset the database simply delete the micronautdb* files in your home directory.