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Integration between Micronaut and Camunda (Workflow Engine). We configure Camunda with sensible defaults, so that you can get started with minimum configuration: simply add a dependency in your Micronaut project to embed the workflow engine!


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This open source project allows you to easily integrate Camunda Platform into Micronaut projects.

The Micronaut Framework is known for its efficient use of resources. With this integration you embed the BPMN 2.0 compliant and developer friendly Camunda process engine with minimal memory footprint into your application.

The integration is preconfigured with sensible defaults, so that you can get started with minimal configuration: simply add a dependency in your Micronaut project!

If you are interested in using Camunda's cloud native solution Zeebe on a Micronaut application instead, have a look at our open source project micronaut-zeebe-client.

We're not aware of all installations of our Open Source project. However, we love

  • listening to your feedback,
  • discussing possible use cases with you,
  • aligning the roadmap to your needs!

📨 Please activate telemetry and contact us!

Do you want to try it out? Please jump to the Getting Started section.

Do you want to contribute to our open source project? Please read the Contribution Guidelines and contact us.

If you also want to run your External Task Client on a Micronaut application, have a look at the open source project micronaut-camunda-external-client.

Micronaut Framework + Camunda = ❤️

Release License Continuous Integration GitHub Discussions

Table of Contents


🚀Getting Started

This section describes what needs to be done to use micronaut-camunda-bpm-feature in a Micronaut project.

Dependency Management

The Camunda integration works with both Gradle and Maven, but we recommend using Gradle because it has better Micronaut Support.

You have the following options to integrate the Camunda integration:

  • Create a new Micronaut project using Micronaut Launch and check that the "camunda" feature is selected. If you don't select any database then an in-memory H2 will be included by default.

  • Manually add the dependency to an existing Micronaut project:

    Click to show Gradle configuration

    Add the dependency to the build.gradle file:

    Click to show Maven configuration

    Add the dependency to the pom.xml file:


Note: The module micronaut-camunda-bpm-feature includes the dependency org.camunda.bpm:camunda-engine which will be resolved transitively.

Deploying Models

BPMN process models (*.bpmn), DMN decision tables (*.dmn), and Camunda Forms (*.form) should be created with the Camunda Modeler and saved in the resources.

By default only the root of the resources will be scanned, but with the property camunda.locations you can configure the locations.

When starting the application you'll see the log output: Deploying model: classpath:xxxxxxx.bpmn

If you deploy Camunda Forms then you can reference these from your user tasks by either

  • defining the form as type "Camunda Form" and setting the "Form Ref", e.g. ExampleForm (Preferred solution supported by Camunda Modeller 4.11 and newer).
  • defining the form as type "Embedded or External Task Forms" and setting the "Form Key", e.g. camunda-forms:deployment:example.form (Supported by Camunda Modeller 4.10 and newer).

Camunda Integration

Process Engine and Services

Inject the process engine or any of the Camunda services using constructor injection:

import jakarta.inject.Singleton;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngine;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.RuntimeService;

public class MyComponent {

    private final ProcessEngine processEngine;
    private final RuntimeService runtimeService;
    public MyComponent(ProcessEngine processEngine, RuntimeService runtimeService) {
        this.processEngine = processEngine;
        this.runtimeService = runtimeService;

    // ...

Alternatively to constructor injection, you can also use field injection, Java bean property injection, or method parameter injection.

You can then for example use the runtimeService to start new processes instances or correlate existing process instances.

Java Delegates

To invoke a Java delegate create a bean and reference it in your process model using an expression, e.g. ${loggerDelegate}:

import jakarta.inject.Singleton;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.DelegateExecution;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.JavaDelegate;

public class LoggerDelegate implements JavaDelegate {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggerDelegate.class);

    public void execute(DelegateExecution delegateExecution) {"Hello World: {}", delegateExecution);

Internally, the bean will be resolved using io.micronaut.inject.qualifiers.Qualifiers.byName(...). Therefore, you can use the annotation jakarta.inject.Named to define an explicit bean name and use that name in your expression.


Data Source

By default, an in-memory H2 data source is preconfigured. Remember to add the runtime dependency com.h2database:h2 mentioned in Dependency Management.

However, you can configure any other database supported by Camunda, e.g. in application.yml:

    url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
    username: postgres
    password: secret
    driver-class-name: org.postgresql.Driver

after adding the appropriate driver as a dependency:


Connection Pool with HikariCP

This integration uses HikariCP as a database connection pool to optimize performance. By default, the following configuration is applied:

  • datasources.default.minimum-idle: 10
  • datasources.default.maximum-pool-size: 50


You may use the following properties (typically in application.yml) to configure the Camunda integration.

Prefix Property Default Description
camunda .locations classpath:. List of locations to scan for model files (default is the resources's root only)
camunda.admin-user .id If present, a Camunda admin account will be created by this id (including admin group and authorizations)
.password Admin's password (mandatory if the id is present)
.firstname Admin's first name (optional, defaults to the capitalized id)
.lastname Admin's last name (optional, defaults to the capitalized id)
.email Admin's email address (optional, defaults to <id>@localhost) .enabled false Enable the REST API
.context-path /engine-rest Context path for the REST API
.basic-auth-enabled false Enables basic authentication for the REST API
camunda.webapps .enabled false Enable the Webapps (Cockpit, Task list, Admin)
.context-path /camunda Context path for the Webapps
.index-redirect-enabled true Registers a redirect from / to the Webapps
camunda.filter .create Name of a "show all" filter for the task list
camunda .license-file Provide a URL to a license file; if no URL is present it will check your classpath for a file called "camunda-license.txt"

Generic Properties

The process engine can be configured using generic properties listed in Camunda's Documentation: Configuration Properties.

The properties can be set in kebab case (lowercase and hyphen separated) or camel case (indicating the separation of words with a single capitalized letter as written in Camunda's documentation). Kebab case is preferred when setting properties.

Some of the most relevant properties are:

  • database-schema-update (databaseSchemaUpdate)
  • history
  • initialize-telemetry (initializeTelemetry)
  • telemetry-reporter-activate (telemetryReporterActivate)


      history: audit


Please consider activating Camunda's telemetry feature so that the Micronaut Camunda Integration appears in Camunda's statistics.

When starting on a fresh database use:

      initialize-telemetry: true

If you missed the activation on an already active database or want to check/change the setting, go to the admin application and navigate to System -> Telemetry Feature. Locally, jump directly to the Telemetry Feature.


Here are some example applications:

Supported JDKs

We officially support the following JDKs:

  • JDK 8 (LTS)
  • JDK 11 (LTS)
  • JDK 17 (LTS)

🏆Advanced Topics

Camunda REST API and Webapps

Currently, the Camunda REST API and Webapps (Cockpit, Task list, and Admin) are only supported on the server runtime Jetty.

To use them in your project, you have to set the micronaut runtime of your project to jetty, e.g.

Click to show Gradle configuration

micronaut-gradle-plugin configuration in build.gradle:

micronaut {
Click to show Maven configuration

micronaut-maven-plugin configuration in pom.xml:


You have to remove this dependency in the pom.xml:


and replace it with


Configuration of REST API and Webapps

By default, REST API and the Webapps are not enabled. You have to configure them e.g. in the application.yaml as follows:

    enabled: true
    enabled: true

Further Information:

  • The Webapps are by default available at /camunda. By default, / will redirect you there.
  • The REST API is by default available at /engine-rest, e.g. to get the engine name use GET /engine-rest/engine.
  • See Configuration Properties on how to enable basic authentication for REST, create a default user, or disable the redirect.
  • Enabling the REST API or the Webapps impacts the startup time. Depending on your hardware it increases by around 500-1000 milliseconds.

Advanced Webapps Configuration

The security of the Webapps can be configured with the following properties:

Click to show configuration options.
Prefix Property Default Description
camunda.webapps.header-security .xss-protection-disabled false The header can be entirely disabled if set to true.
.xss-protection-option BLOCK The allowed set of values: BLOCK - If the browser detects a cross-site scripting attack, the page is blocked completely; SANITIZE - If the browser detects a cross-site scripting attack, the page is sanitized from suspicious parts (value 0). Note: Is ignored when xss-protection-disabled is set to true and cannot be set in conjunction with xss-protection-value
.xss-protection-value 1; mode=block A custom value for the header can be specified. Is ignored when xss-protection-disabled is set to true and cannot be set in conjunction with xss-protection-option.
.content-security-policy-disabled false The header can be entirely disabled if set to true.
.content-security-policy-value base-uri 'self' A custom value for the header can be specified. Note: Property is ignored when content-security-policy-disabled is set to true.
.content-type-options-disabled false The header can be entirely disabled if set to true.
.content-type-options-value A custom value for the header can be specified. Note: Property is ignored when content-security-policy-disabled is set to true.
.hsts-disabled true Set to false to enable the header.
.hsts-max-age 31536000 Amount of seconds, the browser should remember to access the webapp via HTTPS. Note: Is ignored when hstsDisabled is true, Cannot be set in conjunction with hstsValue, and allows a maximum value of 2^31-1.
.hsts-include-subdomains-disabled true HSTS is additionally to the domain of the webapp enabled for all its subdomains. Note: Is ignored when hstsDisabled is true and cannot be set in conjunction with hstsValue.
.hsts-value max-age=31536000 A custom value for the header can be specified. Note: Is ignored when hstsDisabled is true and cannot be set in conjunction with hstsMaxAge or hstsIncludeSubdomainsDisabled.
camunda.webapps.csrf .target-origin Sets the application expected deployment domain.
.deny-status Sets the HTTP response status code used for a denied request.
.random-class Sets the name of the class used to generate tokens.
.entry-points Sets additional URLs that will not be tested for the presence of a valid token.
.enable-secure-cookie false If true, the cookie flag Secure is enabled.
.enable-same-site-cookie true If set to false, the cookie flag SameSite is disabled. The default value of the cookie is LAX and it can be changed via same-site-cookie-option configuration property.
.same-site-cookie-option Can be configured either to STRICT or LAX. Note: Is ignored when enable-same-site-cookie is set to false and cannot be set in conjunction with same-site-cookie-value.
.same-site-cookie-value A custom value for the cookie property. Note: Is ignored when enable-same-site-cookie is set to false and cannot be set in conjunction with same-site-cookie-option.
.cookie-name A custom value to change the cookie name. Default ist 'XSRF-Token'. Note: Please make sure to additionally change the cookie name for each webapp (e.g. Cockpit) separately.

Camunda Enterprise Edition (EE)

Add Maven Coordinates

To use the Camunda Enterprise Edition you have to add the Camunda Enterprise repository:

Click to show Gradle configuration

In build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""
        credentials(PasswordCredentials) {
            username "YOUR_USERNAME"
            password "YOUR_PASSWORD"
Click to show Maven configuration

In pom.xml:


Furthermore, you have to add your credentials in ~/.m2/settings.xml:


Replace CE with EE Dependencies

Then remove the CE dependencies and replace them with the EE ones. Here are some example snippets on how to do that. Keep in mind using the correct version of the libraries.

Click to show Gradle configuration

In build.gradle:

implementation("info.novatec:micronaut-camunda-bpm-feature:2.4.1") {
    exclude group: 'org.camunda.bpm.webapp', module: 'camunda-webapp-webjar'
    exclude group: 'org.camunda.bpm', module: 'camunda-engine'

Click to show Maven configuration

In pom.xml:


Configure your EE license

Camunda will use the license configured in the Cockpit.

If no license is registered, then the following locations will be checked during startup to register the license:

  1. The URL referenced by the property camunda.license-file
  2. The file camunda-license.txt in the resource's root if the property camunda.license-file has an empty value
  3. The path .camunda/license.txt in the user's home directory

If you want to update your license key, use the Camunda Cockpit.

Process Engine Plugins

Every bean that implements the interface org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cfg.ProcessEnginePlugin is automatically added to the process engine's configuration on start.

You can either

  • implement a bean factory with @io.micronaut.context.annotation.Factory and add one or more methods returning ProcessEnginePlugin instances and annotate each with a bean scope annotation
  • annotate your class with @jakarta.inject.Singleton and implement the ProcessEnginePlugin interface

Example with the LDAP plugin:

import io.micronaut.context.annotation.Factory;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cfg.ProcessEnginePlugin;
import org.camunda.bpm.identity.impl.ldap.plugin.LdapIdentityProviderPlugin;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;

public class PluginConfiguration {

    public ProcessEnginePlugin ldap() {
        // Using a public online LDAP:
        LdapIdentityProviderPlugin ldap = new LdapIdentityProviderPlugin();
        return ldap;

You can now log in with "einstein" / "password". Note: the automatic creation of the admin user with the property camunda.admin-user conflicts with a read-only LDAP and must not be set!

Custom Process Engine Configuration

With the following bean it's possible to customize the process engine configuration:

import info.novatec.micronaut.camunda.bpm.feature.MnProcessEngineConfiguration;
import info.novatec.micronaut.camunda.bpm.feature.ProcessEngineConfigurationCustomizer;
import io.micronaut.context.annotation.Replaces;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;

public class MyProcessEngineConfigurationCustomizer implements ProcessEngineConfigurationCustomizer {
    public void customize(MnProcessEngineConfiguration processEngineConfiguration) {

Custom Job Executor Configuration

With the following bean it's possible to customize the job executor:

import info.novatec.micronaut.camunda.bpm.feature.JobExecutorCustomizer;
import info.novatec.micronaut.camunda.bpm.feature.MnJobExecutor;
import io.micronaut.context.annotation.Replaces;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;

public class MyJobExecutorCustomizer implements JobExecutorCustomizer {
    public void customize(MnJobExecutor jobExecutor) {

Transaction management

By default the process engine integrates with Micronaut's transaction manager and uses a Hikari connection pool:

  • When interacting with the process engine, e.g. starting or continuing a process, the existing transaction will be propagated.
  • JavaDelegates and Listeners will have the surrounding Camunda transaction propagated to them allowing the atomic persistence of data.

Optionally, micronaut-data-jdbc or micronaut-data-jpa are supported.

Using micronaut-data-jdbc

To enable embedded transactions management support with micronaut-data-jdbc please add the following dependencies to your project:

Click to show Gradle dependencies
Click to show Maven dependencies

And also add the annotation processor to every (!) annotationProcessorPaths element:


and then configure the JDBC properties as described micronaut-sql documentation.

Using micronaut-data-jpa

To enable embedded transactions management support with micronaut-data-jpa please add the following dependencies to your project:

Click to show Gradle dependencies
Click to show Maven dependencies

And also add the annotation processor to every (!) annotationProcessorPaths element:


and then configure JPA as described in micronaut-sql documentation.


You can enable the Keycloak integration to

  • log into the Webapps (Tasklist, Cockpit, and Admin)
  • get responses from the REST API with basic-auth enabled
  1. Start Keycloak, e.g. docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin -e DB_VENDOR="h2"
  2. Configure Keycloak and add a test user.
  3. Add the dependency implementation("org.camunda.bpm.extension:camunda-bpm-identity-keycloak:2.2.3") to your Micronaut project
  4. Add the plugin:
public class KeyCloakPlugin extends KeycloakIdentityProviderPlugin {
  1. Configure the application.yml
  keycloakIssuerUrl: http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master
  keycloakAdminUrl: http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/realms/master
  clientId: camunda-identity-service
  clientSecret: 42aa42bb-1234-4242-a24a-42a2b420cde1 # you get this from keycloak
  useEmailAsCamundaUserId: true
  administratorGroupName: camunda-admin
  1. Start the application and log in with your created test user. Keep in mind that your user needs an e-mail address.

Eventing Bridge

The Eventing Bridge maps Camunda Events to Micronaut ApplicationEvents. It's possible to configure three different event streams:

  • Task: All events depending on UserTasks (UserTasks are Created, Assigned, Completed)
  • Execution: All execution events (Activities are Started, Ended and Transitions are being taken)
  • History: All history events

Configuration of Eventing Bridge

    task: true
    execution: true
    history: true

Event Listener Implementation

To consume Micronaut ApplicationEvents you can implement the interface ApplicationEventListener or use the @EventListener annotation.

Click to show example with ApplicationEventListener interface
public class SampleEventListener implements ApplicationEventListener<TaskEvent> {
  private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SampleEventListener.class);

  public void onApplicationEvent(TaskEvent event) {"new TaskEvent: EventName={}, Assignee={}", event.getEventName(), event.getAssignee());
Click to show example with @EventListener
public class SampleEventListener { 
  private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SampleEventListener.class);

  public void onExecutionEvent(ExecutionEvent event) {"new ExecutionEvent: {}", event.getEventName());

  public void onTaskEvent(TaskEvent event) {"new TaskEvent: {}", event.getEventName());

  public void onTaskEvent(HistoryEvent event) {"new HistoryEvent: {}", event.getEventType());

Process Tests

Process tests can easily be implemented with JUnit 5 by adding the camunda-bpm-assert library as a dependency:

Click to show Gradle dependencies
Click to show Maven dependencies

and then implement the test using the usual @MicronautTest annotation:

import io.micronaut.test.extensions.junit5.annotation.MicronautTest;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngine;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.RuntimeService;
import org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.ProcessInstance;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import jakarta.inject.Inject;

import static org.camunda.bpm.engine.test.assertions.bpmn.BpmnAwareTests.*;

class HelloWorldProcessTest {

    ProcessEngine processEngine;

    RuntimeService runtimeService;

    void setUp() {

    void happyPath() {
        ProcessInstance processInstance = runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("HelloWorld");



Note: the integration automatically disables the job executor and the process engine's telemetry feature during test execution. This is deduced from the "test" profile.

See also a test in our example application: HelloWorldProcessTest


When using Gradle we recommend the Micronaut Application Plugin's dockerBuild task to create a layered Docker image.

Workaround for Jetty on Micronaut 2.4.x

In Micronaut 2.4.x Jetty by default only listened on the "localhost" interface - this has been fixed in Micronaut 2.5.x. For Micronaut 2.4.x you needed to configure Jetty to listen on all interfaces by adding the following to your build.gradle:

dockerfile {

Build the Docker image:

./gradlew dockerBuild

Run the Docker image:

docker run -p 8080:8080 <IMAGE>

Updating Camunda

Generally, follow Camunda's instructions regarding Update to the next Minor Version.

If you want to automate the database schema migration you can use Liquibase or Flyway together with the migration sql scripts provided by Camunda.

The following examples are based on Liquibase.

When starting on an empty database, e.g. when using H2 for tests:

<changeSet author="Tobias" id="1a" >
  <comment>Create common baseline Camunda 7.14 for H2 based on in directory create</comment>
  <sqlFile path="camunda/h2_engine_7.14.0.sql" relativeToChangelogFile="true" dbms="h2" />
  <sqlFile path="camunda/h2_identity_7.14.0.sql" relativeToChangelogFile="true" dbms="h2" />

If you already have a persistent database with the database schema of 7.14 which is not yet managed by Liquibase, e.g. PostgreSQL:

<changeSet author="Tobias" id="1b" >
  <comment>Create common baseline Camunda 7.14 for PostgreSQL (even if schema already exists) based on in directory create</comment>
  <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
      <tableExists tableName="ACT_RU_JOB" />
  <sqlFile path="camunda/postgres_engine_7.14.0.sql" relativeToChangelogFile="true" dbms="postgresql" />
  <sqlFile path="camunda/postgres_identity_7.14.0.sql" relativeToChangelogFile="true" dbms="postgresql" />

When updating to a new Camunda version first apply all patch updates (if available) and then update to the next minor version:

<changeSet author="Tobias" id="2" >
  <comment>Update to Camunda 7.15 based on in directory upgrade</comment>
  <!-- no patch files available for 7.14.x ... -->
  <sqlFile path="camunda/h2_engine_7.14_to_7.15.sql" relativeToChangelogFile="true" dbms="h2" />
  <sqlFile path="camunda/postgres_engine_7.14_to_7.15.sql" relativeToChangelogFile="true" dbms="postgresql" />


No version information in Fat/Uber/Shadow JAR

If you create a Fat/Uber/Shadow JAR and run that you will see a warning:

WARN i.n.m.c.b.f.MnProcessEngineConfiguration - The Camunda version cannot be determined. If you created a Fat/Uber/Shadow JAR then please consider using the Micronaut Application Plugin's 'dockerBuild' task to create a Docker image.

This is because the repackaging of the jars implicitly removes the META-INF information.

Missing version information leads to

  • Detailed telemetry cannot be sent to Camunda because the version is mandatory
  • EE license cannot be configured

Instead, of creating a Fat/Uber/Shadow JAR, please see instructions on creating a Docker image and use the resulting image to run a Docker container.

Executing Blocking Operations on Netty's I/O Thread Pool

When using the default server implementation Netty, blocking operations must be performed on I/O instead of Netty threads to avoid possible deadlocks. Therefore, as soon as Camunda "borrows a client thread" you have to make sure that the event loop is not blocked. A frequently occurring example is the implementation of a REST endpoint which interacts with the process engine. By default, Micronaut would use a Netty thread for this blocking operation. To prevent the use of a Netty thread it is recommended to use the annotation @ExecuteOn(TaskExecutors.IO). This will make sure that an I/O thread is used.

public String startHelloWorldProcess() {
    return runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("HelloWorld").getId();

Camunda Platform Assertions - Multiple process tests

If you create multiple process tests, you need to add the following initialisation code in each test:

ProcessEngine processEngine;

void setUp() {

This makes the assertions aware of your process engine. Otherwise, it tries to reuse the engine of the test that got executed first and that may already be shut down, see Camunda Platform Assert User Guide.

Here is a complete example: HelloWorldProcessTest.


The list of releases contains a detailed changelog.

We use Semantic Versioning.

The following compatibility matrix shows the officially supported Micronaut and Camunda versions for each release. Other combinations might also work but have not been tested.

Release Micronaut Camunda
2.4.1 3.3.3 7.16.0
Click to see older releases
Release Micronaut Camunda
2.4.0 3.3.0 7.16.0
2.3.2 3.2.0 7.16.0
2.3.1 3.2.0 7.16.0
2.3.0 3.2.0 7.16.0
2.2.0 3.1.1 7.16.0
2.1.0 3.1.0 7.16.0
2.0.0 3.0.0 7.15.0
1.1.0 2.5.12 7.15.0
1.0.1 2.5.12 7.15.0
1.0.0 2.5.9 7.15.0
0.24.0 2.5.1 7.15.0
0.23.0 2.4.3 7.15.0
0.22.0 2.4.1 7.14.0
0.21.0 2.4.1 7.14.0
0.20.0 2.4.0 7.14.0
0.19.0 2.3.4 7.14.0
0.18.1 2.3.3 7.14.0
0.18.0 2.3.2 7.14.0
0.17.0 2.3.2 7.14.0
0.16.1 2.3.1 7.14.0
0.16.0 2.3.0 7.14.0
0.15.0 2.3.0 7.14.0
0.14.0 2.2.3 7.14.0
0.13.0 2.2.2 7.14.0
0.12.0 2.2.1 7.14.0
0.11.0 2.2.1 7.14.0
0.10.1 2.2.0 7.14.0
0.10.0 2.2.0 7.14.0
0.9.0 2.1.3 7.14.0
0.8.0 2.1.2 7.13.0
0.7.0 2.1.1 7.13.0
0.6.0 2.1.0 7.13.0
0.5.3 2.0.1 7.13.0
0.5.2 2.0.0 7.13.0
0.5.1 2.0.0 7.13.0
0.5.0 2.0.0 7.13.0
0.4.2 1.3.6 7.13.0
0.3.1 1.3.5 7.12.0
0.2.2 1.3.3 7.12.0
0.2.1 1.3.3 7.12.0
0.2.0 1.3.3 7.12.0
0.1.0 1.3.3 7.12.0

Download of Releases:



If you have any questions or ideas feel free to create an issue or contact us via GitHub Discussions or mail.

We love listening to your feedback, and of course also discussing the project roadmap and possible use cases with you!

You can reach us:

This open source project is being developed by Novatec Consulting GmbH with the support of the open source community.

Novatec Consulting GmbH


Integration between Micronaut and Camunda (Workflow Engine). We configure Camunda with sensible defaults, so that you can get started with minimum configuration: simply add a dependency in your Micronaut project to embed the workflow engine!




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