A machine learning model has three error sources: bias, variance, and irreducible error (inherent noise). One solution to minimize these errors is to reduce variance, such as using a simpler model. An example is regularized model. In linear regression, regularization is a process of making the model more regular or simpler by shrinking the model coefficient to be closer to zero or absolute, ultimately to address overfitting.
In this project, I take the dataset of predicting the house #. The meaning of each column is explained in the project.
Below is the modeling flow to conduct regularized regression:
- Split Data: train - validate - test
- Correlation plot on training data
- Fit the model on training data
- Choose the best lambda from the validation test
- Evaluate the model on test data using MAE, MAPE, and RMSE
- Best lambda from the validation set:
Using Ridge regressions,
- lambda = 0.01. For example, an increase of 1 point in zn, while the other features are kept fixed, is associated with an increase of 3.796482e-02 point in medv.
Using LASSO regressions,
- lambda = 0.01. For example, an increase of 1 point in zn, while the other features are kept fixed, is associated with an increase of 3.673332e-02 point in medv.
- Best model on the test data:
Using Ridge regressions,
- The standard deviation of prediction errors (RMSE) to the regression line is 6.820639
- 3.896186 in MAE is equivalent to 17.1% (MAPE) deviation relative to the true housing price
Using LASSO regressions,
- The standard deviation of prediction errors (RMSE) to the regression line is 6.823445
- 3.888415 in MAE is equivalent to 17.07% (MAPE) deviation relative to the true housing price