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David Jones edited this page Jun 13, 2016 · 14 revisions

How to Run cgpCaVEManWrapper

  1. Single Host Execution
  2. Farm style execution

Option 2 provides more control over individual steps in the process. For CaVEMan option 2 is preferred as option 1 results in much longer runtimes.

Single host execution

Single host execution does require a reasonable level of resources. Minimum specification (Based on WGS at 30x coverage):

  • CPU 32
  • RAM (Gb) 4 / CPU (Some data may require far higher resources)

NB The code will recover from failure and restart at the last successful section.

Farm style execution

For users with access to a compute farm it is possible to break down the execution into the component parts (see Overview).

There are 9 steps:

  1. setup
  • Generate configuration files for the remaining steps.
  • Command suffixed with -process setup -index 1
  1. split
  • Split the genome into chunks by readsize and hard stop forced by contig ends
  • Command suffixed with -process setup -index X
  • X is between 1 and the number of contigs in reference.fa.fai
  1. split_concat
  • Concatenate the split file sections into a single split section reference file
  • Command suffixed with -process split_concat -index 1
  • Generates splitList
  1. mstep
  • One job per line in splitList, builds a profile of the section of the genome using various covariates
  • Command suffixed with -process mstep -index N
  • N is between 1 and the number of lines in splitList
  1. merge
  • Merge the mstep profiles into a single profile for the whole genome
  • Command suffixed with -process merge -index 1
  • Produces probs_arrand covs_arr
  1. estep
  • One job per line in splitList, uses the profile built in the mstep, combined with sequence data and copy number to assign a probability to each possible genotype at each position.
  • Command suffixed with -process estep -index N
  • N is between 1 and the number of lines in splitList
  • Positions where germline mutation probabilities total more than the -snp-cutoff are output to <split_section>.snps.vcf
  • Positions where somatic mutation probabilities total more than the -mut-cutoff are output to <split_section>.muts.vcf
  1. merge_results
  • Merges all output results files into per-genome files names T_vs_N.*.vcf.
  • Command suffixed with -process merge_results -index 1
  1. add_ids
  • Appends UUIDs to each entry in both the snps and the muts output VCF files.
  • Command suffixed with -process add_ids -index 1
  1. flag
  • Applies filters to the T_vs_N.muts.vcf.gz file. Produces T_vs_N.muts.flagged.vcf.gz
  • Command suffixed with -process flag -index 1

Flagging is described in further detail on the cgpCaVEManPostProcessing wiki

Overview of cgpCaVEManWrapper workflow