A Juju charm for deploying and managing the Penpot open-source design tool for design and code collaboration in your systems.
This charm simplifies the configuration and maintenance of Penpot across a range of environments, allowing designers to create stunning designs and interactive prototypes, design systems at scale, and make their workflow easy and fast with ready-to-use code.
In this section, we will deploy the Penpot charm.
You’ll need a workstation, e.g., a laptop, with sufficient resources to launch a virtual machine with 4 CPUs, 8 GB RAM, and 50 GB disk space.
You can follow the tutorial here to set up a test environment for Juju with LXD.
From inside the virtual machine, deploy Penpot charm's dependencies using the juju deploy
juju deploy minio --config access-key=minioadmin --config secret-key=minioadmin
juju deploy postgresql-k8s --channel 14/stable --trust
juju deploy redis-k8s --channel latest/edge
juju deploy s3-integrator --config "endpoint=http://minio-endpoints.penpot-test.svc.cluster.local:9000" --config bucket=penpot
juju deploy nginx-ingress-integrator --trust --config service-hostname=penpot.local --config path-routes=/
juju deploy self-signed-certificates
juju integrate self-signed-certificates nginx-ingress-integrator
Configure minio to provide a S3 compatible storage for the Penpot charm.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minioadmin
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin
export AWS_ENDPOINT_URL=http://$(juju status --format=json | jq -r '.applications.minio.units."minio/0".address'):9000
aws s3 mb s3://penpot
juju run s3-integrator/0 sync-s3-credentials --string-args access-key=minioadmin secret-key=minioadmin
Deploy the Penpot charm and integrate the Penpot charm with all its dependencies.
juju deploy penpot --channel latest/edge
juju integrate penpot postgresql-k8s
juju integrate penpot redis-k8s
juju integrate penpot s3-integrator
juju integrate penpot nginx-ingress-integrator
When the Penpot charm has completed deployment and installation, you can access Penpot from a browser.
First, we need to modify the /etc/hosts
file to point the penpot.local
domain to the IP address of the virtual machine.
After that, we can access the Penpot instance in the browser using the address https://penpot.local
Note that https
is required for Penpot to function. You may need to bypass the certificate security warning in the browser, as we are using a self-signed certificate.
Inside the virtual machine, run the following command to create a Penpot account, and use the returned credentials to log in with this account.
juju run penpot/0 create-profile --string-args email=example@example.com fullname="John Doe"
For additional configurations and actions available for the Penpot charm, refer to the charmcraft.yaml
The postgresql
or postgresql-k8s
charm can
provide the PostgreSQL database required for Penpot to run.
The s3-integrator
charm can configure Penpot with S3-compatible storage,
which is necessary for Penpot to run.
The redis-k8s
charm can provide the Redis database required for Penpot to run.
The nginx-ingress-integrator
charm can provide the ingress service required for Penpot to run.
Penpot mandates HTTPS, so please enable HTTPS on the respective ingress charms.
and other charms implementing the smtp
integration can
optionally provide SMTP credentials to enable the Penpot charm to send email notifications and other email-related functionality.
Identity Platform bundle and other charms implementing the oauth
integration can optionally provide OpenID Connect settings for the Penpot charm.
This will disable the user/password login in the Penpot charm and switch to using the OpenID Connect login flow.