This project is under development. The API is unstable and incomplete.
The URDF to PlanningScene is a toolbox for creating and converting a URDF into a MoveIt PlanningScene message. It comes with a Xacro library which makes it easy to add collision objects into your world. A collection of complex primitive objects is also available such as shelves and crates. You can even convert your robot URDF into a collision object directly!
Planning scene xacro representation and RViz output.
<robot name="planning_scene">
<link name="world"/>
xyz="0.8 0 0"/>
xyz="0 0 ${0.05/2}"
dimensions="0.05 0.05 0.05"/>
Load a planning scene:
# Run the panda demo in another terminal
# roslaunch moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config demo.launch
$ roslaunch urdf_to_scene load_scene.launch
Load the PR2 robot alongside the panda:
# Run the panda demo in another terminal
# roslaunch moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config demo.launch
$ roslaunch urdf_to_scene load_robot.launch