MyProjectBase is a DotNet Core 3.1 project that implements a "Mediator" partner
Resources and packages used in the development of the project.:
- [.NET CORE 3.1] - Framework.
- [EF CORE] - Mapeador de Objeto Relacional.
- [SimpleInjector] - Dependency Injection (DI) library.
- [Serilog] - Serilog provides diagnostic logging to files, the console, and elsewhere.
- [Swagger] - Help you design and document your APIs at scale.
- [MediatR] - Implements the Mediator design pattern, created by Jimmy Bogard, the same creator of the famous AutoMapper.
- [FluentValidation] - NET validation library for building strongly-typed validation rules
- [xUnit] - Unit testing tool for the .NET Framework.
- [AutoMapper] - Convention-based object-object mapper
Here are some links about the resources used in the project.
Resource | Link |
Mediator pattern | [] |
Mediator + .Net Core 3.1 | [] |
CQRS Using .NET Core and MediatR | [] |