Have you ever been browsing the web, various forum topics, etc and found the release of some piece of code you could find useful, only to realise it was hosted on dropbox, google drive, etc and was no longer available for one reason or another? This aims to eliminate the problem once and for all, the main reason it's hosted on github.
Most of these scripts were obtained from various sites and folders, all of them publically available in one form or another. I've done my best to include proper creddit to each author, however I'd prefer to creddit them as much as possible. If you know of misinformation or the original code author, let me know. also, this is merely a place to host content you think might be helpful to others. If your the original author and would like content removed, let me know. Your responsible for what you run!
I've included miscellaneous screen reader DLL's that might be required. In an effort to make this repository smaller, they're located in the libs folder. Same goes with popular includes, unless they've been modified.
If you have some code others might benefit from, consider including it here. If your familiar with git, submit a pull request. Otherwise, you can contact me and I'll do my best to include it.
twitter: @cartertemm
skype: crtbraille
email: crtbraille@gmail.com