Initial of 12 new neurodata types:
- DeviceModel extends Device to hold metadata on the model of the device.
- Indicator extends NWBContainer to hold metadata on the fluorescent indicator (ex. label=GCaMP6).
- Effector extends NWBContainer to hold metadata on the effector/opsin (ex. label=hChR2).
- OpticalFiber extends DeviceModel to hold metadata on the optical fiber (ex. numerical_aperture=0.39).
- ExcitationSource extends DeviceModel to hold metadata on the excitation source (ex. excitation_wavelength_in_nm=470.0).
- PulsedExcitationSource extends ExcitationSource to hold metadata on the pulsed excitation source (ex. pulse_rate_in_Hz=1000.0).
- Photodetector extends DeviceModel to hold metadata on the photodetector (ex. detected_wavelength_in_nm=520.0).
- DichroicMirror extends DeviceModel to hold metadata on the dichroic mirror (ex. cut_on_wavelength_in_nm=470.0).
- OpticalFilter extends DeviceModel to hold metadata on a general optical filter (ex filter_type='Bandpass')
- BandOpticalFilter extends OpticalFilter to hold metadata on any bandpass or bandstop optical filters (ex. center_wavelength_in_nm=505.0).
- EdgeOpticalFilter extends OpticalFilter to hold metadata on any edge optical filters (ex. cut_wavelength_in_nm=585.0).
- ObjectiveLens extends DeviceModel to hold metadata on the objective lens (ex magnification=60.0)