A simple test for front end developers
- Fork or clone this repo.
- Set up a "static" project that includes a basic build system.
- Using the design located here: https://www.figma.com/file/Zd1qVlL18ozQlrEYsWX5GM/Catch-Design-Front-end-Test?node-id=0%3A1&t=dimpQI98eG4eI53V-1 develop a page using SCSS and a templating language of your choice.
- Email tech-tests@catchdesign.co.nz with:
- A link to your repo OR
- A zip file of your project including git config/metadata
- Your repo needs to include at minimum anything required to build the compiled HTML, CSS and JavaScript (where applicable).
Detailed instructions should be provided in the
file to setup and run the app. - Use best practice.
- Show us what you're capable of without using CSS frameworks such as foundation, bootstrap, etc.
- Cross browser compatibility is important.
- Try not spend too much time on it.
- Use patterns like BEM, ITCSS
- Accessibility
- Consume dependencies with tools like Bower, NPM and RubyGems/Bundler
- Compile any assets with a build tool like gulp, webpack etc
- Unit and code quality tests
- Include a dev server
- Pay attention to the grid system