GaspiCxx is a C++ interface for the GPI-2 communication library, which aims at providing a high-level abstraction layer on top of the native communication primitives. GaspiCxx is designed to achieve the following goals:
- scalability
- performance
- productivity
The interface design replaces the explicit management of communication resources required by the native GPI-2 interface with fully-transparent and easy-to-use primitives. The GaspiCxx API implements the following automatically managed resources:
- Groups
- Segments
- Queues
- Point-to-point single-sided communication primitives
- SourceBuffer/TargetBuffers
- Non-blocking collective primitives
- Allreduce
- Allgatherv
- Broadcast
- Blocking collectives
- Barrier
Additionally, GaspiCxx provides a Python extension called PyGPI
, which exposes the
GaspiCxx point-to-point and collective primitives as an easy-to-use, intuitive Python library.
More details regarding the installation and configuration of PyGPI
can be found
GaspiCxx can be built using a recent compiler with support for C++17.
It was tested with gcc starting from version 8.4.0
and clang 10.0.0
You will also need the build tool CMake (from version 3.12
GaspiCxx depends on:
- GPI-2
- (Optional) Google test
To install GPI-2
, clone the following git repository
and checkout the 1.5.1
git clone
cd GPI-2
git fetch --tags
git checkout -b v1.5.1 v1.5.1
Now, use autotools to configure and compile the code:
export GPI2_INSTALLATION_PATH=/your/installation/path
CFLAGS="-fPIC" CPPFLAGS="-fPIC" ./configure --with-infiniband --prefix=${GPI2_INSTALLATION_PATH}
make $nprocs
needs to be replaced with the path where you want to install
GPI-2. Note the --with-infiniband
option, which should be used on most HPC clusters that
provide Infiniband support.
In case you want to install GPI-2 on a laptop or workstation, replace the above
option with --with-ethernet
, which will use standard TCP sockets for communication.
Now you are ready to install GPI-2 with:
make install
Compile and install the GaspiCxx library as follows:
git clone
cd GaspiCxx
mkdir build && cd build
export GASPICXX_INSTALLATION_PATH=/your/gaspicxx/installation/path
make -j$nprocs install
Download and install Google test from its GitHub repository.
export GTEST_INSTALLATION_PATH=/path/to/gtest
git clone -b release-1.11.0
cd googletest
mkdir build && cd build
make -j$nprocs install
export GASPICXX_INSTALLATION_PATH=/your/gaspicxx/installation/path
make -j$nprocs install
GaspiCxx tests can be executed using the ctest
# list tests
ctest -N
# run all tests
This project is licensed under the GPLv3.0 License - see the COPYING file for details