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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 12, 2024. It is now read-only.
Tobias Klika edited this page Dec 15, 2013 · 2 revisions

Get list of all items:

List<PocketItem> items = await _client.Get();
// equivalent to: await _client.Get(RetrieveFilter.All)

Get a list with specific parameters (explanation in the Pocket Docs):

List<PocketItem> items = await _client.Get(
  State? state = null,
  bool? favorite = null,
  string tag = null,
  ContentType? contentType = null,
  Sort? sort = null,
  string search = null,
  string domain = null,
  DateTime? since = null,
  int? count = null,
  int? offset = null 

It's best to use parameters as named parameters, to avoid typing null values:

List<PocketItem> items = await _client.Get(count: 10, offset: 20, sort: Sort.oldest);

Get item by ID:

PocketItem item = await _client.Get("1298198");

Find items by a tag:

List<PocketItem> items = await _client.SearchByTag("tutorial");

Find items by a search string.
PocketSharp uses an internal search, which is significantly faster than the Search API by Pocket.

List<PocketItem> items = await _client.Search("css");

Find items by a search string by already available items:

List<PocketItem> items = await _client.Search(myPocketItemList, "css");

Get all tags:

List<PocketTag> items = await _client.GetTags();

Get a filtered list:

List<PocketItem> items = await _client.Get(RetrieveFilter.Favorite);
// returns favorites only

The RetrieveFilter Enum is specified as follows:

enum RetrieveFilter { All, Unread, Archive, Favorite, Article, Video, Image }
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