A simple command line interface for managing cells built using modules from the Cellulose projects.
Note: All functions may not be usable with all cells. Since, all cells may not implement all modules offered by the Cellulose Project.
The mix.exs script installs the executable as as /usr/local/bin/cell.
If your user has write access to /usr/local/bin, you can simply:
$ mix escript.build
If this gives you permissions error, either grant yourself, group or user write permission access to /usr/local/bin, or add sudo before the command like this:
$ sudo mix escript.build
$ cell --help
cell list [<cells>] list found cells (alias for discover for now)
cell discover [<cells>] find cells using SSDP on the LAN
cell watch [<cells>] watch multicast debug log of one or more cells
cell provision <cells> <app_id> provisions a cell to the specified type
cell push <cells> <ware> push specific firmware to one or more cells
cell inspect <cells> [<path>] inspect a part of the Hub path
cell normal[ize] [<cells>] make provisional firmware normal
cell denormal[ize] <cells> make normal firmwae provisional
cell reboot <cells> reboot a cell
cell [--help] shows this help message
Specifies cell(s) to operate on, in one of the following formats:
.nnn Last octet of the IP on the LAN in decimal
Specifies the firmware (including path) to install, in one of the
following formats:
build/test.fw Path to firmware in the filesystem
Specifies a path in the Hub tree to view, in the following formats:
Specifies the application ID to provision the cell to. Executes the
method activate/2 found in ~/.cell/provision/<app_id>.ex, written for
your particular needs. The return of this function is HTTP PUT to the
device at the location returned by Finder plus /sys/firmware.
The format of the <app_id> is to be one word or words joined by a '_'
Cell Tool may be configured at runtime by placing a .conf file at ~/.cell/cell.conf
Currently only the SSDP Service Type may be specified in the ~/.cell/cell.conf
# Service Type for Cell tool to use in M-SEARCH
cell.ssdp_st = "urn:someorg-com:service:cell:1"
By default Cell Tool will conduct it's M-SEARCH requests with the Service Type:
cell alias <cells> <alias> Make an alias for one or more cells
cell static <cell> <config>|clear Set a static IP on a cell
We appreciate any contribution to Cellulose Projects, so check out our CONTRIBUTING.md guide for more information. We usually keep a list of features and bugs in the issue tracker.