"JSON/REST Transport Protocol" Bridge
Implements a REST-based plugin for the Cowboy webserver that allows json-based transactions against hub for state.
JrtpBridge is plugged in as a handler for Cowboy. Here is a simple example that serves up the entire Hub at /jrtp/.... , without options/callbacks.
dispatch = :cowboy_router.compile [{:_,[
{"/jrtp/[...]", :jrtp_bridge, %{} }
{:ok, _pid} = :cowboy.start_http :http, 10,
[port: 8080],
[env: [dispatch: dispatch] ]
JrtpBridge can also take takes a couple options in the options map, as follows:
on_wait_start :: fn/0
Called when a connection is initiated, may return a value which is passed to on_wait_stop.
on_wait_end :: fn/1
Called with the result of on_wait_start, if exists, or false, if not.
json_provider_hook :: fn/1
Allows hooking the responses given by th json_provider and rfc7386_provider Takes a cowboy_req parameter, and returns a modified cowboy_req.
webpage_title :: binary
HTTP requests of Content-Type application/html webpage title will be set to this value
firmware_acceptor :: module
When a Content-Type of application/x-firmware is provided the firmware_acceptor/2 method of the provided module will be called passing the req and state will be the paramaters.